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- Michele Battistin (CERN)
- Thomas Bergauer (HEPHY Vienna)
- Luciano Bosisio (Università di Trieste and INFN)
- Luciano Bosisio (Universita e INFN (IT))
- Pamela Branch (NASA/Johnson Space Center)
- Jan Buytaert (CERN)
Paula Collins
- Speaker at Workshop Summary
Rui de Oliveira
- Speaker at PCB Fabrication
Daniel Dobos
- Speaker at ATLAS Pixel Interconnects Issues
Thomas Fritsch
(Fraunhofer IZM (DE))
- Speaker at Industry view of pixel detector issues
Alan Honma
- Speaker at Thanks
- Speaker at Welcome and Workshop Introduction
- Speaker at Wire Bonding Issues, seen by CERN Bond Lab
Yoichi Ikegami
(KEK (JP))
- Speaker at ATLAS Module Production
Tim Jones
(University of Liverpool)
- Speaker at Cooling: materials and joining technologies
Sylvain Kaufmann
- Speaker at PCB Assembly
- Markus Keil (CERN, Institute of Physics, Georg-August-Universitaet Goettingen)
Marcello Mannelli
- Speaker at Front-End Hybrids
- Stefano Mersi (CERN)
Marco Meschini
(Universita e INFN (IT))
- Speaker at CMS Module Production
Marco Meschini
(INFN Florence (IT))
- Speaker at CMS Module Production
- Divic Rapin (D.P.N.C. Université de Genève)
- Divic Rapin (Universite de Geneve (CH))
Dave Robinson
(University of Cambridge)
- Speaker at Sensor quality assurance for the ATLAS SCT
Tilman Rohe
(Paul Scherrer Institut (CH))
- Speaker at CMS Pixel Interconnects Issues
- Romualdo Santoro (Dipartimento di Fisica dell`Università, and CERN)
- Speaker at ALICE Pixel Interconnects Issues
Second Test
- Speaker at dummy
Rosario Turrisi
(INFN, Padova)
- Speaker at Flow rate issues in the ALICE SPD cooling
Sami Vähänen
(VTT technical research centre of Finland)
- Speaker at Bump Bonding Issues, Industry Perspective
- Bart Verlaat (Nikhef/CERN)
Anthony Weidberg
(University of Oxford (GB))
- Speaker at Optical circuits and cabling
- Kazuhisa Yamamura (Hamamatsu Photonics K.K.)