FCC-ee top-up injection

Zoom Meeting ID
Yann Dutheil
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Present: C. Carli, Y. Dutheil, A. Lechner, T. Mori, G. Nigrelli, G. Roy, K. Skoufaris, S. Yue


    • Organisation and Chairing of Top-Up Meeting
      • The Optics Design Group aims to gather all inputs this year, including top-up injection.
      • Discussion scheduled for next week.
      • Close interaction with top-up injection will be addressed.
      • Goal: consolidate all necessary information by the end of the year for decision-making.
    • Discussion on Using the Same Optics at Every Technical Straight
      • Oide-san supports maintaining the same optics at all four technical straights.
      • Ghislain prefers specialised insertions to decouple each technical insertion.
      • Some level of periodicity must be maintained, raising the question of chromaticity symmetry breaking and its effects.
      • Interest exists in having different optics at each straight; it is necessary for ttbar, but feasibility remains under discussion.
      • Careful consideration will be needed for both LCC and GHC.
    • Talks on Top-Up Injection
      • A work plan is needed to compare LCC and GHC lattices.
      • Yann will propose a top-up talk at FCC Week and an IPAC contribution, including all WG participants in the IPAC author list.
    • Vertical Emittance Blow-Up
      • From Takashi:
        • Simulations using lattice 624 (to be added to Ghislain’s repo under 25.1_GHC).
        • Z-scan shows an optimum at -10 mm, improving survival rate.
        • Lower horizontal emittance growth with version 624 and z-offset.
        • Hybrid injection scheme results in lower longitudinal and vertical emittance growth.
      • Kyriacos observes that vertical emittance increase disappears for energy offsets <70% of the initial value.
      • Chromatic mismatch is questioned as a possible source of emittance increase.
      • Kyriacos did not observe improvement with matched chromatic optical functions.
      • From Sen:
        • Tracking results without beam-beam interactions.
        • Tracking with mean mode and zero horizontal emittance.
        • Follow-up discussion needed to align injected beam optics and optical parameters.
    • Injection Point Change (Sen)
      • A new injection point was presented upstream of the quadrupole.
      • The new location has large d' and alpha, but its effect on effective septum thickness is negligible.
      • Agreement reached: the unique injection point will be placed 1m upstream of the quadrupole.
    • Injection Repository
      • CI is conducting tracking and producing plots for injection efficiency and emittance.
      • Repository includes the new injection point change.
      • With agreement from all participants, the changes have been merged into the master branch.
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