Charm-quark physics is emerging as an exciting frontier for discovering new physics. Experiments like LHCb are measuring charm quantities with unprecedented precision, while phenomenology offers powerful tests of the Standard Model, making first-principles results in charm physics timely and essential.
Lattice Quantum Field Theories offer a systematically improvable framework for predicting non-perturbative observables from first principles. Lattice QCD has achieved significant consensus on various observables, such as decay constants and quark masses. Applying Lattice QCD to charm physics holds great potential for uncovering new physics, including insights into CP violation.
The Charming Lattice QCD @ CERN 2025 Theory Institute will bring together experts to discuss the latest advances in charm-quark physics, including hadronic D-decays, D-meson mixing and long-distance effects, inclusive semileptonic decays, radiative charm decays, and charm spectroscopy. The goal is to foster collaboration and develop strategies to improve the precision of theoretical predictions, ensuring synergy between lattice QCD, phenomenology, and experiment.
Confirmed speakers:
- Matthew Black (University of Edinburgh)
- Sebastian Dawid (University of Washington)
- Giuseppe Gagliardi (Università di Roma Tre and INFN sezione di Roma Tre)
- Gregorio Herdoiza (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
- Gudrun Hiller (Technische Universitaet Dortmund)
- Andreas Jüttner (CERN and University of Southampton)
- Liuming Liu (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Yan Liu (RIKEN iTHEMS)
- Rajnandini Mukherjee (University of Edinburgh)
- Mike Peardon (Trinity College Dublin)
- David Wilson (University of Cambridge)