13–16 Feb 2012
Europe/Zurich timezone

Hybrid analysis for the Telescope Array

Not scheduled
500/1-001 - Main Auditorium (CERN)

500/1-001 - Main Auditorium


CERN, Geneva
Show room on map


Dr Daisuke Ikeda (Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, University of Tokyo)


The Telescope Array (TA) experiment is the largest Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Ray (UHECR) observatory in the northern hemisphere, and is located in the west desert of Utah. It is a hybrid UHECR experiment using two types of detectors: three stations of Fluorescence Detectors (FDs) and 507 Surface Detectors (SDs). The three FD stations (at Middle Drum (MD), Long Ridge (LR), and Black Rock (BR)) overlook the SD array. The MD station consists of 14 refurbished HiRes-I telescopes. The BR and LR stations are newly constructed for the TA experiment. The events detected by both SD and FD are reconstructed by the hybrid technique, which uses information from both the SD and FD. The resolution reaches < 1 degree for arrival directions and < 10% in energy. Hybrid events are used to compare the FD and SD energy scales, measure the spectrum, and determine the composition of cosmic rays. In this talk we present the performance of the hybrid technique for the BR, LR, and MD stations.

Primary author

Dr Daisuke Ikeda (Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, University of Tokyo)


Benjamin Stokes (University of Utah) Elliott Barcikowski (University of Utah) Gordon Thomson (University of Utah) Hiroyuki Sagawa (Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, University of Tokyo) Monica Allen (University of Utah) Tareq Abu-Zayyad (University of Utah)

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