13–16 Feb 2012
Europe/Zurich timezone


Information for the proceedings

The publisher for the proceedings will be EPJ Web of Conferences, part of The European Physical Journal. This will be open access proceedings with immediate citability and indexation in main databases (Google Scholar, NASA ADS, CAS, Inspec, DOAJ, CPCI).

Invited papers and Working Group reports will have a page limit of 14 pages.
Contributed papers (talks and posters) will have a page limit 6 pages.
There will be two printed volumes, one containing the invited papers and group reports and another one containing all contributed papers. The two books will be sent to you by smail.

Please follow the EPJ Web of Conferences Microsoft Word or LaTeX2e guidelines and use their templates to prepare your documents. The macropackage in LaTeX2e is available via anonymous ftp from the ftp server.  The Word-Guidelines are described in this document. Please select the default one column format.

Important: Instead of providing print-ready PDF documents, EPJ will process the Word and LaTex-Files, i.e. you are requested to *send the source files*, best as compressed package (gz, tar, ...) to proc@2012.uhecr.org.

To be useful to the scientific community, we aim at a timely publication and kindly ask for submission not later than
29.06.2012 for contributed papers,
27.07.2012 for invited papers and Working Group reports.