Piera Luisa Ghia
We report recent results from the Pierre Auger Observatory about the anisotropy of ultra-high energy cosmic ray arrival directions. In the EeV energy range, we present the results on a search for a large scale dipolar anisotropy pattern. In the same energy range, we show the results of a search for localized excesses of cosmic ray neutrons. For cosmic rays with energies above 20 EeV, we discuss the results of the search for multiplets of aligned events. Finally, we present an update on the search for correlations between events with energy above 55 EeV and the positions of active galactic nuclei from the V\'eron-Cetty and V\'eron catalog, and in particular within the Cen A region.
Piera Luisa Ghia
The Pierre Auger Collaboration
(Pierre Auger Collaboration)