May 6 – 12, 2012
Peniche, Portugal
Europe/Lisbon timezone
The workshop covers divers aspects of QCD: from low energy (excited hadrons, glueballs, multiquarks) to high energy (jets, diffraction, hadronisation), and finite temperature and density (quark-gluon plasma, color glass condensate). The emphasis is placed on new developments in theory and the current experimental status.
Peniche, Portugal
Hotel Praia Norte, Av. Monsenhor Bastos, 2520-206 Peniche, Portugal
This meeting takes place in a cool place with minimal budget. This is a relatively small meeting aimed at ~50 participants, where scientists can really know each other, relax but also learn and work together. We aim to bring together young researchers and experts with different perspectives of QCD.
Excited QCD 2012 follows after the successful meetings Excited QCD 2009 held in Zakopane, Poland (, Excited QCD 2010 held in Tatra National Park, Slovakia ( and Excited QCD 2011 held in Les Houches, France (
The scientific atmosphere, the various discussions about different topics in QCD, the active participation of many young researchers and the nice environment have been the main characteristics of the previous editions and are the goals for the new edition.
The 2012 edition is held in Peniche, Portugal. Additional information about the hotel can be found there:
The talks are all plenary, 20' long separated by 10' for discussions and with a coffee break of 30' every two or three talks for more discussions. An extended lunch break allows for more discussions and for open air activities.