May 6 – 12, 2012
Peniche, Portugal
Europe/Lisbon timezone

Social program and meals

The respective links for the social program and meals are the following,
dinners at Miramar and Sardinha:
lunch packs at the supermarkets:
boats to the Berlengas Islands:
facebook profile id=100003252072121
facebook profile id=100002460626201
culture, songs and fortress:
facebook profile id=100001170087446

Notice with your fee we are able to pay all the non-scientific program, and the conference expenses. You will only need to pay your hotel room (31€ per day for a single room and 40 € per day for a double room, including breakfast) directly to the hotel, and pay the dinners directly to the restaurants. The dinner menu at the restaurants includes a cheese entrée, a fresh fish dish and desert, the drinks will be payed on the top of that.

For the accompanying persons, a fee of 30€ is required for the non-scientific program, i e the welcome drink, the boat trip, and the extra expenses of the social dinner.

The conference expenses are the coffee breaks, the wireless from Monday to Friday in the conference room, and the conference proceedings book.

We are counting on all the participants for the social program and dinners. We are opening doodle surveys to count the number of participants in activities.

For the eQCD 2012 workshop we are planning the following social program and meals.

Sunday 06 May:
before 18h30 arrival and free day
18h30 welcome drink at the Hotel Praia Norte
20h00 dinner at the Praiamar restaurant (10 € for the menu)

Monday 07 May
11h30 free extended lunch break for discussions and open air activities, we recommend surfing, trecking, bathing, climbing
20h00 dinner at the Sardinha restaurant (8 € for the menu)

Tuesday 08 May
11h30 free extended lunch break for discussions and open air activities, we recommend surfing, trecking, bathing, climbing
20h00 dinner at the Ribamar restaurant (10 € for the menu)

Wednesday 09 May
11h30 we recommend buying a brunch at the supermarket Pingo doce
12h30 boat trip to the Berlenga Island on two boats, with free afternoon in the island
20h00 dinner at the Sardinha restaurant (8 € for the menu)

Thursday 10 May
11h30 free extended lunch break for discussions and open air activities, we recommend surfing, trecking, bathing, climbing
20h00 eQCD social dinner at the Ribamar restaurant (10 € for the menu), with drinks offered by the organization for the toasts of the meeting
21h00 a fado singer (Lisbon tradicional song) will perform at the restaurant

Friday 11 May
11h30 free extended lunch break for discussions and open air activities, we recommend surfing, trecking, bathing, climbing
14h00 visit to the fortress/former prison
20h00 dinner at the Sardinha restaurant (8 € for the menu)

Saturday 12 May
Free day and departure