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26–30 Mar 2012
University of Bonn
Europe/Berlin timezone

PHENIX Transverse Spin Physics Results

28 Mar 2012, 11:05
Lecture Hall, Institute for Physical Chemistry (University of Bonn)

Lecture Hall, Institute for Physical Chemistry

University of Bonn

Spin physics Spin physics


Dr Yousef Makdisi (Brookhaven National Laboratory)


Utilizing the RHIC polarized proton collider with transverse spin the PHENIX detector carried out cross section and asymmetry measurements in inclusive pizero and eta production at mid rapidity |n| < 0.35 using the central EM calorimeters where vanishing asymmetries were found. However, significant pizero and eta asymmetries were measured in the forward rapidity 3.1 < n < 3.9 using the MPC calorimeter. An inclusive cluster analysis of the MPC data also resulted in significant asymmetries. We will discuss the results in terms of energy dependence, the Sivers or Collins contributions at low transverse momentum, and higher Twist approaches at higher momenta. Future plans such as a inclusive jet production and Drell Yan measurements will also be presented.

Primary author

Dr Yousef Makdisi (Brookhaven National Laboratory)

Presentation materials