Applications of intelligent detectors
What are we triggering on with trackers today, what could we use intelligent tracker for tomorrow?
Review of current applications and future desiderata from HEP experiments and non HEP applications. -
Coupled sensors and monolithic architectures
Basic designs for trackers that measure angle, or some other primary. Not so much emphasis on the application itself, but in the construction and operation.
Development of critical technologies and system integration
R&D work on novel interconnects (interposers, flex-circuits, etc.), integrated cooling, power, and mechanical support.
Especially to solve specific challenges presented by structures implementing local intelligence (as opposed to generic developments applicable to conventional trackers). -
On-module electronic circuits (3D and conventional), intra-module and off-detector communication
Development of new IC's for implementation of on-detector intelligence. High bandwidth connections between modules and to the off-detector DAQ. (E.g. wireless communication and high-speed rad-hard fibers.)
Real time pattern-recognition and advanced algorithms
Advanced algorithms and pattern-recognition located on-detector or off-detector.
Interplay between data movement and data processing. Novel vector tracking.
Vertices identification, and vertex to muon/calo-primitive association.
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