12–14 Dec 2011
Royal Hotel
Europe/Zurich timezone

Transverse feedback: high intensity operation, AGC, IGC, lessons for 2012

13 Dec 2011, 09:45
Salon Edelweiss/Hélianthème (Royal Hotel)

Salon Edelweiss/Hélianthème

Royal Hotel



Daniel Valuch


The transverse damper system (ADT) plays an important role in the preservation of the beam transverse emittance and for damping of oscillations driven by the coupled bunch instability. An overview of the ADT system will be presented with an emphasis on the important feedback loop parameters as they change from injection through the ramp into collision. The dedicated setting up procedure required for the different bunch intensities and bunch spacings will be explained. During the 2011 run the injection and abort gap cleaning became operational at injection energy. Preparations for cleaning at 3.5 TeV as well as batch selective transverse blow-up were completed and preliminarily tested. Plans for 2012 include study and potential improvement of the system impulse response to improve the 'selectivity' of the cleaning and blow up facility. The ADT also provides bunch- by-bunch observation which was extensively used during the run and MDs and will be further upgraded during the next year.

Presentation materials