LHC Beam Operation workshop - Evian 2011
Royal Hotel
The LHC Beam Operation workshop will be held on 12, 13 and 14 December 2011 in the Royal Hotel in EVIAN (74), France.
Attendance is by invitation only.
The principle aims of the workshop are to review 2011 LHC beam commissioning and beam operations experience, and to look forward to the operation of the LHC in 2012.
Issues addressed will cover: operation from injection to stable beams and possible improvements; analysis of availability and premature dump; problems encountered and possible improvements; and the performance of the machine protection system and other accelerator systems.
The operations plan for 2012 will be presented and discussions will address the strategies for luminosity delivery and machine development priorities.
Chairman | Mike LAMONT |
Scientific Secretary | Malika MEDDAHI |
Editors of the Proceedings | Brennan GODDARD, Sylvia DUBOURG |
Informatics & infrastructure support | Pierre CHARRUE |
Workshop Secretary | Sylvia DUBOURG |
Welcome Coffee 30m 6th floor
6th floor
Royal Hotel
- 10:45 → 11:00
Session 1: Review 2011 Salon Edelweiss/Hélianthème
Salon Edelweiss/Hélianthème
Royal Hotel
Evian-les-Bains- 11:00
- 11:30
- 11:55
- 12:20
Buffet Lunch 1h 10m Grand Salon
Grand Salon
Session 2 : Availability Salon Edelweiss/Hélianthème
Salon Edelweiss/Hélianthème
Royal Hotel
QPS - analysis of main problems, areas to target, possible improvements 25mThe fault statistics of the LHC Quench Protection System QPS for the LHC run 2011 will be presented and the various fault types explained. Starting with teething and EMC related problems, the tune feedback compatibility, hardware faults of the quench heater power supplies and spurious openings of electrical circuit breakers will be described in more details. Hereby as well the necessary and potential consolidation measures will be discussed. The role of the MPE standby service for the system availability will be addressed. Finally radiation induced faults and the respective mitigation and consolidation measures will be treated as separate subject.Speaker: Reiner Denz
Cryogenics - analysis, main problems, SEUs, beam related issues 25mAfter recalling the methodology in place, the statistics for LHC cryogenics will be presented for 2011, with analysis of the various origins and overall comparison with 2010. Beam parameters and their effects on operation will be described. Radiation induced effects will be described together with implemented or planned actions, as well as other major actions foreseen for the Xmas break. Perspectives for 2012 will be drawn, with suggestions for possible larger integration of the performance recording methodology.Speaker: Serge CLAUDET
Technical stops: what were the issues in 2011, minimizing impact and improving recovery 25mAs any other accelerator LHC has to undertake period of stop for maintenance. Five technical stops have been performed during 2011 run and a quite long recovery time has been sometimes experienced. An analysis of the reasons is presented with particular attention to the interventions carried out during the stop. An outlook on the future is also considered to try to increase the LHC availability, diminishing the downtime. The possibility of performing maintenance only once the machine undergoes a problem instead of during planned stops is also analyzed.Speaker: Matteo Solfaroli Camillocci
R2E – experience and outlook for 2012 25m2011 very successful LHC operation has provided valuable input for the detailed analysis of radiation levels and radiation induced equipment failures. Radiation levels around LHC critical areas and the LHC tunnel were studied in detail and compared to available simulation results, as well as put in perspective to LHC operation parameters. Observed radiation induced failures were not only analyzed in detail, but already addressed through early relocation measures and patch-solution on the equipment level. Both improvements will continue during this xMasBreak together with the installation of heavy shielding around the RBs and UJs in Point-1. Based on measured radiation levels, calculations for the shielding improvements and expected operational parameters this talk provides an update on the expected radiation levels around LHC critical areas. Briefly summarizing the already performed mitigation measures and equipment patches, an estimate is provided on expected equipment failure rates during 2012 operation. Required beam and measurement studies are highlighted in order to further improve the predictions of both radiation levels and expected equipment failures, the latter driving the chosen mitigation actions for LS1.Speaker: Giovanni Spiezia
Coffee Break - Room registration starts 35m 6th floor, Royal Hotel
6th floor, Royal Hotel
Session 3: Injection Salon Edelweiss/Hélianthème
Salon Edelweiss/Hélianthème
Royal Hotel
Transfer lines - stability and optimization 25mDuring the LHC proton run 2011 large drifts, shot-by-shot and even bunch-by-bunch trajectory variations were observed with the consequence of high losses at injection and frequent lengthy trajectory correction campaigns. The different effects will be quantified and an estimate for downtime caused by them in 2011 will be given. The sources of the instabilities, solutions for 2012 and achievable improvements will be discussed. Possible future upgrades (TCDI button BPMs,…) will also be mentioned.Speaker: Lene Norderhaug Drosdal
Injection losses and protection, de-bunching, availability, sunglasses 25mInjection losses are compared for 2010 and 2011 operation. Mitigation techniques which were put in place in 2010 to reduce losses at injection are described. Issues in 2011 operation, their potential improvements, the experiments' view on beam quality at injection and the performance reach for 2012 are shown.Speaker: Wolfgang Bartmann
Beam preparation in injectors & beam characteristics through the injector complex 30mBeam parameters such as intensity, bunch intensity distribution, longitudinal emittances, satellite population, transverse emittances and beam tails, require frequent trimming in PSB, CPS and SPS. In 2011, operators on all three machines gained a lot of experience on the preparation of high quality LHC beams. From this experience we can present procedures and scenarios for the preparation of the LHC beams, and for the filling itself. An overview of the different beam parameters, and the tools to measure and control them, will be presented.Speaker: Karel Cornelis
Injection and Dump Systems 25mPerformance and failures of the LHC injection and extraction system are presented. In particular, comparison with 2010 run, lessons learnt during operation with high intensity beams and foreseen upgrades are described. UFOs, vacuum and impedance problems related to the injection and extraction equipments are analysed together with possible improvements and solutions. New implemented features, diagnostic, acknowledgment, critical issues of XPOC and IQC application are addressed.Speaker: Chiara Bracco
Dinner 1h 30m Restaurant La Veranda
Restaurant La Veranda
Royal Hotel
Session 4: Operational performance Salon Edelweiss/Hélianthème
Salon Edelweiss/Hélianthème
Royal Hotel
Aperture & optics – measurements and conclusions 25mIn 2011, the LHC has delivered collisions with different optics configurations in the four interaction points. The performance has been pushed during the year until a final configuration with 3 IPs squeezed to 1 m was achieved. Correspondingly, the machine aperture has been measured in the different configurations, at injection and at top energy, to ensure a safe operation in all conditions of beta* and crossing angle configuration. In this paper, the 2011 commissioning experience of LHC optics is reviewed and the results of aperture measurements are presented and compared with the expectations. The measurement requirements for the 2012 operation and possible improvements are also discussed.Speaker: Stefano Redaelli
Emittance preservation in LHC: Present understanding, possible improvements/gains, required diagnostics 25mEmittance measurements during the LHC proton run 2011 indicated a blow-up of 20 % to 30 % from LHC injection to collisions. At the LHC design stage the total allowed emittance increase from SPS extraction to colliding beams was set to 7 %. This presentation will show the emittance preservation throughout the different parts of the LHC cycle and discuss the current limitations on emittance determination. Possible sources and cures for the observed blow-up will be presented. Possible improvements of emittance diagnostics and analysis tools together with a list of machine development tests in 2012 will also be shown.Speaker: Verena Kain
Intensity ramp-up: 2011 experience - Limitations, mitigation, risks, strategy, pushing it in 2012, 1380 in 3 weeks? 25mThe experience with ramping up the beam intensities in the early days of the 2011 run and after the subsequent technical stops will be summarized. Weak points and limitations will be identified and their possible mitigations evaluated. In view of the risks and drawbacks of a too aggressive approach, possible improvements of the applied strategy whilst maintaining the required validation points for the various equipment and machine protection system will be discussed.Speaker: Markus Zerlauth
Transverse feedback: high intensity operation, AGC, IGC, lessons for 2012 25mThe transverse damper system (ADT) plays an important role in the preservation of the beam transverse emittance and for damping of oscillations driven by the coupled bunch instability. An overview of the ADT system will be presented with an emphasis on the important feedback loop parameters as they change from injection through the ramp into collision. The dedicated setting up procedure required for the different bunch intensities and bunch spacings will be explained. During the 2011 run the injection and abort gap cleaning became operational at injection energy. Preparations for cleaning at 3.5 TeV as well as batch selective transverse blow-up were completed and preliminarily tested. Plans for 2012 include study and potential improvement of the system impulse response to improve the 'selectivity' of the cleaning and blow up facility. The ADT also provides bunch- by-bunch observation which was extensively used during the run and MDs and will be further upgraded during the next year.Speaker: Daniel Valuch
Coffee Break 30m 6th floor, Royal Hotel
6th floor, Royal Hotel
Session 5: Beam loss and machine protection Salon Edelweiss/Hélianthème
Salon Edelweiss/Hélianthème
Royal Hotel
MPS response: issues, close shaves, holes, commissioning and validation procedures, rMPP role and response, change management (incl. SW releases) 25mThe performance of the machine protection system during the 2011 run will be briefly summarized. Emphasis will be given to events which risked to exposed parts of the machine to damage. Further improvements and mitigations of potential holes in the protection systems as well as in the change management will be evaluated along with their impact on the 2012 run. The role of rMPP during the various operational phases (commissioning, intensity ramp up, MDs…) will be discussed.Speaker: Markus Zerlauth
UFOs: statistics, dependencies, MKI findings, hypotheses, models, FLUKA results, extrapolation to 7 TeV 25mUFOs are potentially the performance limitation for nominal LHC operation. Therefore, in 2011, the diagnostics for UFO events were significantly improved, dedicated experiments and measurements in the LHC and in the laboratory were made and complemented by FLUKA simulations and theoretical studies. In this talk, the state of knowledge is summarized and extrapolations for LHC operation in 2012 and beyond are presented. Mitigation strategies are proposed and related tests and measured for 2012 are specified.Speaker: Tobias Baer
Multi-turn losses and cleaning: collimator set-up, loss map methodology and frequency, use of on-line data to validate 25mLHC beam collimation is based on a hierarchical multi-stage cleaning system. Maintaining the correct hierarchy ensures maximal cleaning efficiency and machine protection. The operational collimator positions are established from the beam centres and sizes at each collimator measured in beam-based alignments. These are verified periodically during the year. The improvements made to the collimator alignment algorithm in 2011 are described. The time spent on setup and qualification by loss maps is summarized in detail. The stability of the collimator setup and cleaning efficiency is presented. An outlook to 2012 is given, including detailed considerations on improved setup speed, required frequency of setup and qualification and other possible improvements overall reducing beam time consumption for collimation.Speaker: Gianluca Valentino
Beta* reach: in depth analysis of 2011 – orbit, tolerances, aperture, feed-in to 2012, correction below 1 m, risk from asynch dump, hw limitations 25mThe available aperture in the LHC imposes a lower limit on the achievable beta*. The aperture must be protected by the collimation system, and the collimator families have to be ordered in a strict hierarchy for optimal performance, with large enough margins that the hierarchy is not violated by machine imperfections such as closed orbit distortions or beta-beating. The achievable beta* is thus a function of both the aperture and the collimator settings. An overview of the run in 2011 is presented, as well as a review of the necessary margins between collimator families and the aperture. Finally an outlook towards possible scenarios for beta* in 2012 and at higher energies is given.Speaker: Roderik Bruce
Buffet lunch 1h 40m Grand Salon
Grand Salon
Session 6 : Systems operational performance Salon Edelweiss/Hélianthème
Salon Edelweiss/Hélianthème
Royal Hotel
Evian-les-Bains- 14:00
Beam instrumentation - critical overview, beam size measurements – what happened to bunch by bunch, BPM (briefly) 25mSpeaker: Mariusz Gracjan Sapinski
- 14:50
Coffee Break 30m 6th floor, Royal Hotel
6th floor, Royal Hotel
Session 7: Limitations Salon Edelweiss/Hélianthème
Salon Edelweiss/Hélianthème
Royal Hotel
Evian-les-Bains- 15:45
Beam induced heating 25mWhat were the expected heat loads? Review of the observations on temperature increases / outgassing for kickers, collimators, etc. Anything around the corner? Next limitations? What is the expected effect of bunch length (with the measured bunch spectrum)? Can we explain the observed heat loads by impedance effects? Mitigation measures 25 ns vs 50 ns and 4 vs 3.5 TeVSpeaker: Benoit Salvant
E-cloud effects 25mWhat were the expected heat loads/stability limits? What did we learn and what are the limitations from e-cloud in terms of beam stability, heat load? Comparison with measurements: heat load vs. RF stable phase shift, SEY and reflectivity from heat load and pressure rise data. Effect of scrubbing run and requirements on SEY to operate the machine with 25 and 50 ns at 3.5 and at 4 TeVSpeaker: Giovanni Rumolo
e-cloud & vacuum instabilities 25mVacuum and cryogenics observations: 25 ns vs 50 ns. Can e-cloud explain everything? Effects observed at TDI, experiments, triplets, impact on background, Estimations for a scrubbing run for 25 ns operation, Shall we have a scrubbing period at 25 ns to operate at 50 ns? Shall we have a scrubbing fill after every technical stop? Interplay with cryogenics and potential solution or mitigation measuresSpeaker: Giuseppe Bregliozzi
Luminosity lifetime - protons 25mWhat did we learn and do we have a good model? What were the predictions (in particular LR)? Is beam-beam the only responsible for blow-up and luminosity lifetime? What did we learn and what are the limitations from beam-beam? Impact of separation (luminosity leveling), working point, crossing angle, 25 vs. 50 nsSpeaker: Giulia Papotti
Short Break 15m 6th floor, Royal Hotel
6th floor, Royal Hotel
Talks from the experiments
- 18:05
- 18:25
- 18:45
- 19:05
- 19:25
Cocktails and Dinner 2h Restaurant La Véranda
Restaurant La Véranda
Royal Hotel
Session 8: 2012 Salon Edelweiss/Hélianthème
Salon Edelweiss/Hélianthème
Royal Hotel
Evian-les-Bains- 09:00
Outlook for 2012 25mThe approved 2012 schedule is shown. The possible options for the key parameters (energy, bunch spacing, beta*) to be used in 2012 are discussed. A limited number of scenarios are considered and estimates of their potential performance presented.Speaker: Mike Lamont
- 09:50
First thoughts on MD priorities for 2012 25mSpeaker: Frank Zimmermann
Coffee break 20m 6th floor, Royal Hotel
6th floor, Royal Hotel
Session 9: Summary of Sessions Salon Edelweiss/Hélianthème
Salon Edelweiss/Hélianthème
Royal Hotel
Evian-les-Bains- 11:00
- 11:05
- 11:10
- 11:15
- 11:20
- 11:25
- 11:30
Wrap-up Salon Edelweiss/Hélianthème
Salon Edelweiss/Hélianthème
Royal Hotel