Patricia Mendez Lorenzo
The CERN Service Management project was born to fulfil the need of a global, homogeneous, and efficient service organization for all services provided to the users. On February 2011 the project entered in operation including in a first step services of the IT and GS departments. The CERN Service Management infrastructure is based on ITIL best practises and it includes a single Service Desk, a Service Portal providing access to the service catalogue and a set of standard processes as the most significant elements of the project. The tool that has been chosen to support the project and to give a single entry point to both supporters and users is a commercial product: Service-Now. The infrastructure provided by this tool has been adapted to accommodate the structures and needs of the laboratory.
This talk presents the status of the project after one year of operation including the user’s and supporter’s perspectives, volume of work after the first year of operation, and the status and plans for the tool. Future developments as the incoming Service Level Management procedures, new processes and facilities will also be discussed.
Mats Moller
Patricia Mendez Lorenzo