Manfred Alef
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT))
25/04/2012, 08:45
Computing & Batch Services
Comparative benchmarking of cluster hardware with the latest generations of processors and investigation on the influence of BIOS settings like symmetric multiprocessing and turbo mode.
Michele Michelotto
(INFN Padua & CMS)
25/04/2012, 09:05
Computing & Batch Services
We received a dual socket machine with 2x Xeon E5 and 2x Opteron 62xx multicore processor. The HEP-SPEC06 measurements will be presented and compared with previous generation processors.
Jiri Horky
(Institute of Physics)
25/04/2012, 09:30
Computing & Batch Services
We have performed several evaluation of new hardware during the last year ranging from the new generation of worker nodes to testing of a deduplication solution. In the talk, we present results from testing of deduplication technology from Fujitsu using synthetic data as well as real life backup and HEP experiment data. It is a common worry that the disk performance can hardly scale with...
Philippe Olivero
25/04/2012, 09:45
Computing & Batch Services
In 2011, CC-IN2P3 changed its old custom batch System BQS by Oracle Grid Engine (OGE). After recalling brieflyly the reasons why we did it, this talk will present how we carried out this migration: the method, the different steps, the problems we have had to solve and I'll finish by the current situation, and how we are having a try to encourage a collaboration between sites running xGE clusters.
Pirmin Fix
25/04/2012, 10:05
Computing & Batch Services
DESY IT supports a number of Batch systems for various scientific groups. As these gain more and more importance we investigated the open source versions of Gridengine to profit from freely available updates and features to be prepared for the challenges to come. We report about our experience during testing, migration and early production phase and will give an outlook on future plans with...