The second in a series of meetings devoted to evaluating the implications of recent results from the LHC, and elsewhere, for TeV-scale physics, and to discuss the impact of these results on the future strategy for particle physics.
The Workshop continues the activity of the 2009 TH Institute "From the LHC to a Future Collider",, whose findings were documented in
The results will be summarised in a document, to be submitted as input to the planned 2012 update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics. The participation and input of all those interested, experimentalists and theorists, is welcome and encouraged!
The workshop activities will be focused around three working groups investigating different aspects of TeV-scale physics, namely
- Signals of electroweak symmetry breaking (conveners: S.Heinemyer, M.Kado, C.Mariotti, G.Weiglein, A.Weiler)
- Signatures with missing energy (conveners: R.Cavenaugh, J.Hewett, S.Kraml, G.Polesello)
- Other signatures of possible BSM physics (conveners: C.Grojean, G.Isidori, D.Martinez, J.Santiago Perez, P.Savard, S.Worm)
The task of the working groups is to assess the possible interpretations of the experimental results in view of their implications for the future strategy of particle physics.
Information on accommodation, access to CERN and laptop registration is available from
Information on the EVO connection below: click on "More Info" to select the EVO session corresponding to the desired meeting room.