6–10 Feb 2012
Europe/Zurich timezone

Magnet powering with zero downtime - a dream?

9 Feb 2012, 09:20



Markus Zerlauth (CERN)


Despite a number of improvements already applied in the course of the year, the magnet powering system of the LHC still accounts for around 50% of the premature beam dumps. This number might even further increase when moving to higher beam energies in the next years. With mitigations of radiation effects and the prospects for beam induced magnet quenches being discussed elsewhere, we aim at identifying possible mid- and long-term improvements within the various equipment systems to further reduce the number of equipment failures leading to a loss of the particle beams. Amongst others, this includes the sensitivity of equipment to external causes such as electromagnetic perturbations or perturbations on the electrical network. To conclude, the gain of the identified mitigations will have to be balanced against the potential impact on schedule and cost.

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