4–9 Jun 2012
Life Sciences Centre, UBC
Canada/Pacific timezone
<strong><font color="#cc0000">Abstract submission has closed</font></strong>

Searches for Exotics physics states in jets and boosted objects final states

8 Jun 2012, 18:20
LSC-3 (Life Sciences Centre, UBC)


Life Sciences Centre, UBC

University of British Columbia Vancouver, BC Canada
Parallel Talk Standard Model & Beyond 5F: (Parallel) BSM


Ludovica Aperio Bella (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))


We present searches for new particles decaying to jets and boosted objects final states using data collected in 7 TeV LHC proton-proton collisions with the ATLAS detector. We present studies of states like diljets, photons + jets, dibosons, ttbar resonances and 4th generation particles decaying hadronically. These studies demonstrate the usage of novel techniques for reconstruction of boosted objects and test wide set of predictions for Exotics extensions to Standard Model.

<strong>Collaboration Name</strong><br /><font color="#000099">Please enter the name of<br />the collaboration or group<br />using the acronym, as in:<br /><font color="#ff0000">ABC Collaboration</font>

ATLAS Collaboration

<strong>E-mail Address</strong> ludovica.aperio.bella@cern.ch

Presentation materials