26–31 Aug 2007
Bled, Slovenia
Europe/Zurich timezone

Holography and Chronology Protection

31 Aug 2007, 10:00
Bled, Slovenia

Bled, Slovenia

Grand Hotel Toplice at Lake Bled Cesta svobode 12 4260 Bled, Slovenia


Dr Martin O'Loughlin (University of Nova Gorica)


We study in detail the solution space for a class of sypersymmetric solutions to supergravity. The solutions fall into three classes, non-singular, null-singular and time machines with a time-like naked singularity. We study the general features of these metrics and prove that there are actually just two generic classes of space-times - those with null singularities are in the same class as the non-singular metrics. Holography seems to provide a dual description only for the first of these two types of space-time in terms of a unitary CFT indicating the possible existence of a chronology protection mechanism for this class of geometries.

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