Talks on state-of-the-art precision in measurements, universal time and other application of very precise clocks.
Jim Bergquist
(NIST Boulder, USA)
27/08/2007, 11:00
In recent years, several groups throughout the world have initiated research toward the development and systematic evaluation of frequency and time standards based on narrow optical transitions in laser-cooled atomic systems. In this report we present some of the results obtained in comparative studies of the Hg+ single ion optical clock, the Al+ single ion optical clock and the Cs fountain...
Ekkehard Peik
(PTB Braunschweig, Germany)
27/08/2007, 11:45
The techniques of trapping and laser cooling of ions have allowed to
perform laser spectroscopy of forbidden transitions with a resolution of
a few hertz. These systems will be used as optical atomic clocks that
offer higher stability and greater accuracy than the best primary cesium
clocks available today. At PTB we have built an optical clock based on a
single trapped ytterbium ion and...
Cristophe Salomon
(Kastler Brossel, Paris, France)
27/08/2007, 14:30
We will describe the present status for the realization of the SI unit of
time, the second. Microwave frequency standards operating with laser cooled
cesium and rubidium atoms have advanced by two orders of magnitude in the
last two decades. Cesium fountains currently operate at the fundamental
quantum noise limit with 107 detected atoms and display a relative
frequency stability of...