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ROOT Team Meeting



    • 11:00 11:15
      Status before releasing 5.16 (27 June) 15m
      Fons ---- -TWebFile changes such that the Apache plug-in is not required anymore Ilka ---- -Changes in TGListTree/TGListTreeItem in view of the new remote login by Bertrand (only two new members) -Expectr a change in Qt interface by valeri (Qt4) Olivier ------- May be TGLText and TGLAxis Matevz/Timur restructuring Lorenzo ------- Imprive transform classes (for LHCb) TF1::ErrorIntegral Philippe -------- Change for Witek G4 (ready end f next week). Proxy and STL code TChain::GetReadEntry Merging of Tree indices (Bill's report) Axel ---- A few bug fixes for Reflex Check Diego's patch Gerri ------ -Several requests by Alice (group quotas) -CPU quotas -Data sets directories -Scheduling interface -patch from Anna for TEntryLists -Savannah bugs (numbe of entries) -Problem with TH3 -New file Merger
    • 11:15 11:30
      Presentation by Olivier about ftgl/TGLAxis 15m
      Speaker: Olivier Couet
    • 11:30 11:40
      Gains when removing the stubs for virtual functions 10m
      Speaker: Diego Marcos
    • 11:40 11:50
      Summer Students 10m
      Ilka ----- Roel Aaij will arrive next week and will stay up to the end of August. He will work on different tasks from the GUI ToDo list: multiple line labels, hyperlink labels, text buttons with a list of predefined actions, etc. Olivier ------- Bastien Dalla Piazza (5 June -> 17 August) will implement the spider plot in TTree/TTreePlayer. Axel ---- Luca D'AVINO (July 3 ->September 11) Subject: Object oriented ACLiC for CINT Compiling code on demand from a running program, loading the resulting library, and executing that code brings C++ to a new - far more flexible and dynamic - level. This project involves creation of an object-oriented version of ROOT's ACLiC facility. It should allow the configuration of the build process, automatic dictionary generation, access and analysis of the logs, and tracking of build dependencies, on all platforms supported by ROOT. The project provides a key tool for ROOT: almost all ROOT users will invoke it to load their code dynamically into ROOT. Lorenzo ------- Magdalena SLAWINSKA (paid by Crakow) (3 moths) Fons ---- Long Tran Thanh (Vietnamese but living and studying in Budapest). Going to work on PROOF task processing. From 3/7 - 28/9.
    • 11:50 12:00
      Savannah Bugs status 10m
      Ganis : 17/80 rdm : 13/80 pcanal : 11/80 moneta : 10/80 axel : 7/80 Objective: Reduce this list by at least 50% before next team meeting
    • 12:00 12:10
      AOB 10m