Detector Characterization and Simulations
- Eckhart Fretwurst (II. Institut fuer Experimentalphysik)
- Vladimir Eremin (Ioffe Physical Technical Institute of Russian Academy of Scienc)
Leonid Makarenko
(Belarusian state University)
31/05/2012, 09:00
Defect and Material Characterization
We have found that the single silicon self-interstitial atoms can be kept essentially immobile in p-type materials upon irradiation with alpha-particles at room temperature or low intensity electron irradiation at liquid nitrogen temperature. The conclusion is based on observations of the formation of interstitial carbon related defects due to an interaction of self-interstitial (I) with...
Joachim Erfle
(Hamburg University (DE))
31/05/2012, 09:20
Detector Characterization
The aim of the CMS tracker upgrade campaign is to find a new radiation hard sensor material for the HL-LHC upgrade of the CMS tracker. Different test structures and sensors were implemented on a variety of silicon materials with different thicknesses by Hamatsu Photonics, Japan. Samples have been irradiated to fluences up to 1E15 with protons at Karlsruhe and the CERN PS and with reactor...
Coralie Neubuser
(Hamburg University (DE))
31/05/2012, 09:40
Detector Characterization
Silicon n-type test-diodes made of FZ and MCz material were manufactured for the CMS HPK campaign and irradiated with 23 MeV protons. At a fluence of 3e14/cm2 neq the MCz n-type diodes demonstrated a clear type inversion directly after irradiation without exhibiting a strong double junction effect. This is unexpected compared to results measured on MCz diodes from RD50 and irradiated with 23...
Elena Verbitskaya
(Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute RAS)
31/05/2012, 10:00
Detector Characterization
Recent results on the collected charge Qc in heavily irradiated Si detectors developed by RD50 collaboration for SuperLHC revealed a significant Qc enhancement if detectors were operated at the bias voltage beyond 1000 V. Our investigations showed that this enhancement arises from a fundamental effect of carrier avalanche multiplication in high electric field of n+-p junction. This study...
Graeme Douglas Stewart
(University of Glasgow)
31/05/2012, 10:50
Detector Characterization
We performed edge and surface TCT measurements of a double sided 3D silicon strip detector at the Jozef Stefan Institute. Double sided 3D devices are a useful counterpart to traditional planar devices for use in the very highest radiation environments. The TCT techniques allow the electric fields in 3D devices to be probed in a way not possible before.
Short 3D strip detectors, produced at...
Nicola Pacifico
(Universite Montpellier II (FR))
31/05/2012, 11:10
Detector Characterization
We will present the latest developments of the characterization campaign on 24 GeV/c n-on-p sensors irradiated with 24 GeV/c protons.
Gregor Kramberger
(Jozef Stefan Institute (SI))
31/05/2012, 11:30
Detector Characterization
Special diodes were designed on RD50 multiplication mask which combine the ease of use of a pad-detector with electric field of a strip detector. A series of charge collection measurements was performed with diodes of different implant properties and thicknesses. The diodes were irradiated in steps with neutrons to the total accumulated fluence of 1e16 cm-2. Charge collection efficiency for...
Philipp Weigell
(Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut) (D)
31/05/2012, 11:50
Detector Characterization
Employing the MPP/HLL thinning procedure n-in-p sensors with an active thickness of 75µm and 150µm were produced. Presented will be edgeTCT measurements on strip sensors irradiated with neutrons to a fluence of 5e15 and 1e16 neq/cm², as well as laboratory and beam test measurements for pixel sensors inter-connected to ATLAS read-out chips. These pixel detectors were irradiated with neutrons...
Gregor Kramberger
(Jozef Stefan Institute (SI))
31/05/2012, 12:10
Mathieu Benoit
31/05/2012, 12:30
Detector Characterization
Modern Technology-Computer-Assisted Design (TCAD) tools allow for detailed simulation of various physics processes in silicon radiation detector. I present a review of the features of the main available commercial simulation softwares and how they can be used to simulate the main effects of non-ionizing radiation damage in Silicon.
Example of simulation of Space-Charge sign inversion,...
Mercedes Minano Moya
(Universidad de Valencia (ES))
31/05/2012, 14:00
Detector Characterization
Simulations of a pad silicon sensor (100 x 300 μm) have been carried out in order to model the electric field distribution under irradiation as proposed by V.Eremin. The electric field distribution has been compared at different bias voltages and for several irradiation doses with the two midgap level model.
The software package used has been ISE-TCAD which allows to simulate the electrical...
Robert Eber
(KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
31/05/2012, 14:20
Detector Characterization
Following the RD50 Simulation Group proposal, simulations of the Double Peak Effect in irradiated sensors have been performed using the Synopsys TCAD Sentaurus software.
Implementation of traps and modeling of leakage current will be explained in detail. The resulting electric field distribution and TCT signals at different voltages, fluences and temperatures are presented.
Kirti Ranjan
(Delhi University)
31/05/2012, 14:40
Detector Characterization
Si sensors will be used in the extremely harsh radiation environment in the present and future generation nuclear and high energy physics experiments. In addition, the double sided silicon sensors and single sided sensors in n+-p- configurations will face an additional problem of shorting of n+ strips. There are several techniques, like p-spray and p-stop, which provide inter-strip isolation,...
Eckhart Fretwurst
(II. Institut fuer Experimentalphysik),
Vladimir Eremin
(Ioffe Physical Technical Institute of Russian Academy of Scienc)
31/05/2012, 15:00