Donato Creanza
(Universita e INFN (IT)),
Donato Creanza
(Dipartimento Interateneo di Fisica & INFN - Bari),
Gianluigi Casse
(University of Liverpool (GB)),
Michael Moll
Stephen Gibson
5/30/12, 9:00 AM
Juozas Vaitkus
(Vilnius University)
5/30/12, 9:15 AM
Defect and Material Characterization
Two light beams excitation technique was used for investigation the recombination process in the by neutron irradiated Si (WODEAN samples, bar type). By application of additional illumination in the extrisic excitation region the photoconductivity spectrum and time dependent conductivity measurement reveals the levels that participate in the photoconductivity, but, if the sample is excited,...
Thomas Poehlsen
(Hamburg University)
5/30/12, 9:35 AM
Defect and Material Characterization
The transient current technique (TCT) is a well-known technique to analyse the electric field and the trapping behaviour of free charge carriers in silicon devices.
It turns out that neither the electric field nor the trapping can be predicted for irradiated diodes. Different assumptions on the drift of free charge carriers or on the trapping behaviour may be made in order to analyse TCT...
Elena Verbitskaya
(Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute RAS)
5/30/12, 10:25 AM
Detector Characterization
Temperature dependences of reverse current, I(T), of irradiated Si detectors are simulated and analyzed in the scope of carrier generation rate based on Shockley-Read-Hall statistics. Two models of bulk generation current have been developed for simulation of I(T) dependences: carrier generation via a single effective level in the bandgap, and carrier generation via midgap levels of radiation...
Markus Gabrysch
5/30/12, 10:45 AM
Defect and Material Characterization
Preliminary results on the extraction of detrapping time constants for both electrons and holes obtained from red laser TCT measurements. Based on DLTS scans from 10-50°C the trapping levels and cross sections were obtained for highly p-irradiated silicon diodes.
Mara Bruzzi
(Universita e INFN (IT)),
Mara Bruzzi
(Dipartimento di Fisica)
5/30/12, 11:05 AM
R. Mori, M. Bruzzi, Z. Li, M. Scaringella INFN and University of Florence, Italy BNL, Upton New York
n-type MCZ Si detectors have been irradiated with different particles and fluences: (a) fast neutron up to 1.5x10^14n/cm^2; (b) fast neutrons (1.5x10^14n/cm^2) and 60Co gammas (500MRad); (c) fast neutron (3x10^14n/cm^2) and 60Co gammas (500MRad), in view to test a possible radiation...
Mara Bruzzi
(INFN and University of Florence),
Mara Bruzzi
(Dipartimento di Fisica)
5/30/12, 11:20 AM
Victor Hugo Benitez Casma
(Universidad de Valencia (ES))
5/30/12, 11:40 AM
Full Detector Systems
A prototype for the Endcap part in the ATLAS Upgrade has been designed and fabricated at CNM-Barcelona. The petalet, prototype for the full petal, includes microstrips with built-in stereo angle.
Because of their particular geometry, a Python script was developed to design the sensors and propose solutions for different issues such as, orphan strips, no-standard bias rails and also to add...
Igor Rubinskiy
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
5/30/12, 12:00 PM
New structures and 3D sensors
A high resolution (\sigma ~2um) beam telescope based on monolithic
active pixel sensors was developed within the EUDET collaboration.
The telescope consists of six monolithic active pixel sensor planes (Mimosa26) with a pixel pitch of 18.4 um and thinned down to 50um.
The EUDET telescope copies with a deadtime free readout based on the PXI
express bus are located at DESY and CERN beam...
Markus Keil
(Georg-August-Universitaet Goettingen (DE))
5/30/12, 1:30 PM
Radiation Damage in LHC detectors
The talk presents latest results on the leakage current in the ATLAS Pixel Detector. Measurements with low granularity using the high voltage power supplies are shown as well as measurements of the single pixel leakage current, using the so-called monleak measurement of the ATLAS Pixel front-end chip. Where possible the measurements are compared to the predictions.
Konstantin Toms
(University of New Mexico (US))
5/30/12, 1:50 PM
Radiation Damage in LHC detectors
The ATLAS Pixel Detector radiation damage monitoring system uses leakage currents in pixel modules measured with ATLAS Pixel High Voltage delivery system. We present leakage currents measured in 2011 and 2012 and their dependence
on the ATLAS integrated luminosity (> 6 fb^{-1}). We compare them with the theoretical model prediction. The status of the system is presented as well as the...
Andre Lukas Schorlemmer
(CERN / Georg-August-Universitaet Goettingen (DE))
5/30/12, 2:10 PM
Radiation Damage in LHC detectors
With the rapidly increasing LHC luminosity, radiation damage effects in the ATLAS Pixel Detector will become critical to the detector operation and performance. Thus, it is necessary to monitor the impact of the irradiation on a regular basis. One crucial observable is the voltage that is needed to fully deplete the pixel sensor. Before type-inversion this is monitored in the Pixel Detector...
Christian Barth
(KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
5/30/12, 2:30 PM
Radiation Damage in LHC detectors
In this talk I give an overview of the efforts to monitor the evolution of the sensor properties for the CMS pixel and strips tracker. This contains measurements of changes seen so far, as well as projections of the expected evolution for the coming years of LHC running.
Taka Kondo
5/30/12, 3:00 PM
Radiation Damage in LHC detectors
ATLAS barrel SCT sensors have received so far about 0.5 to 1 e12 1MeV-neutron-equivalent fluence per cm**2 from 7-TeV pp collisions at LHC. The HV currents reached up to several micro-Amps/cm**3 at 0 C, assuming they are all due to bulk generation current. Their time dependences are compared with predictions by two leakage current models with self-annealing effects. The prediction takes into...
Agnieszka Oblakowska-Mucha
(AGH University of Science and Technology (PL))
5/30/12, 3:55 PM
Radiation Damage in LHC detectors
The LHCb experiment is dedicated to searching for New Physics effects in the heavy flavour sector, precise measurements of CP violation and rare heavy meson decays. Precise tracking and vertexing around the interaction point is crucial in achieving these physics goals.
The LHCb VELO (VErtex LOcator) silicon micro-strip detector is the highest precision vertex detector at the LHC and is...
Dermot Moran
(University of Manchester)
5/30/12, 4:15 PM
Radiation Damage in LHC detectors
The VErtex LOcator (VELO) is a silicon strip detector designed to reconstruct particle
tracks and vertices produced by proton-proton interactions near to the LHCb interaction point. The excellent track resolution and decay vertex separation provided by the
VELO are essential to all LHCb analyses. For the integrated luminosity delivered by
the LHC up to the end of 2011 the VELO is exposed...
Alan Honma
5/30/12, 4:35 PM
Radiation Damage in LHC detectors
The CMS Preshower detector is made up of two layers of silicon strip sensors located just behind lead absorber planes for electromagnetic shower energy measurement and position determination. The leakage current measurements from these sensors provides a measure of the radiation damage to the bulk as well as a measure of the distribution of NIEL fluence as a function of pseudorapidity. In...
Leonid Makarenko
(Belarusian state University)
5/31/12, 9:00 AM
Defect and Material Characterization
We have found that the single silicon self-interstitial atoms can be kept essentially immobile in p-type materials upon irradiation with alpha-particles at room temperature or low intensity electron irradiation at liquid nitrogen temperature. The conclusion is based on observations of the formation of interstitial carbon related defects due to an interaction of self-interstitial (I) with...
Joachim Erfle
(Hamburg University (DE))
5/31/12, 9:20 AM
Detector Characterization
The aim of the CMS tracker upgrade campaign is to find a new radiation hard sensor material for the HL-LHC upgrade of the CMS tracker. Different test structures and sensors were implemented on a variety of silicon materials with different thicknesses by Hamatsu Photonics, Japan. Samples have been irradiated to fluences up to 1E15 with protons at Karlsruhe and the CERN PS and with reactor...
Coralie Neubuser
(Hamburg University (DE))
5/31/12, 9:40 AM
Detector Characterization
Silicon n-type test-diodes made of FZ and MCz material were manufactured for the CMS HPK campaign and irradiated with 23 MeV protons. At a fluence of 3e14/cm2 neq the MCz n-type diodes demonstrated a clear type inversion directly after irradiation without exhibiting a strong double junction effect. This is unexpected compared to results measured on MCz diodes from RD50 and irradiated with 23...
Elena Verbitskaya
(Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute RAS)
5/31/12, 10:00 AM
Detector Characterization
Recent results on the collected charge Qc in heavily irradiated Si detectors developed by RD50 collaboration for SuperLHC revealed a significant Qc enhancement if detectors were operated at the bias voltage beyond 1000 V. Our investigations showed that this enhancement arises from a fundamental effect of carrier avalanche multiplication in high electric field of n+-p junction. This study...
Graeme Douglas Stewart
(University of Glasgow)
5/31/12, 10:50 AM
Detector Characterization
We performed edge and surface TCT measurements of a double sided 3D silicon strip detector at the Jozef Stefan Institute. Double sided 3D devices are a useful counterpart to traditional planar devices for use in the very highest radiation environments. The TCT techniques allow the electric fields in 3D devices to be probed in a way not possible before.
Short 3D strip detectors, produced at...
Nicola Pacifico
(Universite Montpellier II (FR))
5/31/12, 11:10 AM
Detector Characterization
We will present the latest developments of the characterization campaign on 24 GeV/c n-on-p sensors irradiated with 24 GeV/c protons.
Gregor Kramberger
(Jozef Stefan Institute (SI))
5/31/12, 11:30 AM
Detector Characterization
Special diodes were designed on RD50 multiplication mask which combine the ease of use of a pad-detector with electric field of a strip detector. A series of charge collection measurements was performed with diodes of different implant properties and thicknesses. The diodes were irradiated in steps with neutrons to the total accumulated fluence of 1e16 cm-2. Charge collection efficiency for...
Philipp Weigell
(Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut) (D)
5/31/12, 11:50 AM
Detector Characterization
Employing the MPP/HLL thinning procedure n-in-p sensors with an active thickness of 75µm and 150µm were produced. Presented will be edgeTCT measurements on strip sensors irradiated with neutrons to a fluence of 5e15 and 1e16 neq/cm², as well as laboratory and beam test measurements for pixel sensors inter-connected to ATLAS read-out chips. These pixel detectors were irradiated with neutrons...
Gregor Kramberger
(Jozef Stefan Institute (SI))
5/31/12, 12:10 PM
Mathieu Benoit
5/31/12, 12:30 PM
Detector Characterization
Modern Technology-Computer-Assisted Design (TCAD) tools allow for detailed simulation of various physics processes in silicon radiation detector. I present a review of the features of the main available commercial simulation softwares and how they can be used to simulate the main effects of non-ionizing radiation damage in Silicon.
Example of simulation of Space-Charge sign inversion,...
Mercedes Minano Moya
(Universidad de Valencia (ES))
5/31/12, 2:00 PM
Detector Characterization
Simulations of a pad silicon sensor (100 x 300 μm) have been carried out in order to model the electric field distribution under irradiation as proposed by V.Eremin. The electric field distribution has been compared at different bias voltages and for several irradiation doses with the two midgap level model.
The software package used has been ISE-TCAD which allows to simulate the electrical...
Robert Eber
(KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
5/31/12, 2:20 PM
Detector Characterization
Following the RD50 Simulation Group proposal, simulations of the Double Peak Effect in irradiated sensors have been performed using the Synopsys TCAD Sentaurus software.
Implementation of traps and modeling of leakage current will be explained in detail. The resulting electric field distribution and TCT signals at different voltages, fluences and temperatures are presented.
Kirti Ranjan
(Delhi University)
5/31/12, 2:40 PM
Detector Characterization
Si sensors will be used in the extremely harsh radiation environment in the present and future generation nuclear and high energy physics experiments. In addition, the double sided silicon sensors and single sided sensors in n+-p- configurations will face an additional problem of shorting of n+ strips. There are several techniques, like p-spray and p-stop, which provide inter-strip isolation,...
Eckhart Fretwurst
(II. Institut fuer Experimentalphysik),
Vladimir Eremin
(Ioffe Physical Technical Institute of Russian Academy of Scienc)
5/31/12, 3:00 PM
Peter Kodys
(Charles University)
5/31/12, 3:30 PM
Full Detector Systems
Progress of charge collection measurement of irradiated strip detectors with a laser in low temperatures will be presented. The tests use four custom made preamplifiers connected to group of strips and an automatic data acquisition. The laser generator of infrared light (wavelength 1066 nm) is connected to a box with electronics and detector via an optical fiber and defocusser to generate...
Anna Macchiolo
(Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut) (D)
5/31/12, 3:50 PM
Full Detector Systems
We present the results of the post-irradiation characterization of n-in-p pixels produced at CiS and at the Semiconductor Laboratory of Max-Planck-Institut. N-in-p pixels represent a cost-effective alternative to the n-in-n technology to instrument the outer layers of the new pixel systems at HL-LHC. The performance of this kind of detectors will be shown up to fluence of 1e16 neq/cm**2, in...
Gianluigi Casse
(University of Liverpool (GB))
5/31/12, 4:10 PM
Full Detector Systems
Measurements with 50, 100, 140 and 300µm thick detectors after irradiation.
Lokman Altan
(KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
5/31/12, 5:00 PM
Full Detector Systems
Samples of n-in-p sensors provided by the RD50 collaboration have been irradiated with protons to fluences of 1e15, 5e15 and 1e16 neq/cm². An overview of the sensor properties before and after irradiation will be presented. After irradiation an annealing study of signal, signal to noise and leakage current has been performed with the ALiBaVa setup at different annealing steps up to 500 days at...
Igor Mandic
(Jozef Stefan Institute (SI))
5/31/12, 5:20 PM
Full Detector Systems
First results of TCT measurements with focused IR laser pulses on heavily irradiated strip detectors will be presented. Laser light was directed on the surface of the detector on the area not covered with metal. TCT signals were measured at different distance from the strip.
Vitaliy Fadeyev
(University of California,Santa Cruz (US))
5/31/12, 5:40 PM
New structures and 3D sensors
Within the framework of RD50 collaboration, we are pursuing scribe-cleave-passivate (SCP) technology of making “slim edge” sensors. Such sensors have only a minimal amount of inactive peripheral region, which benefits construction of large-area tracker and imaging systems. Key application steps of this method are surface scribing, cleaving, and passivation of the resulting sidewall. We are...
Gianluigi Casse
(University of Liverpool (GB)),
Gregor Kramberger
(Jozef Stefan Institute (SI))
5/31/12, 6:00 PM
Vladimir Eremin
(Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences)
6/1/12, 9:00 AM
New structures and 3D sensors
One of the goals of LHC upgrade is the increase of the particle maximal energy. For that, the magnet coils of the collider should operate at higher current that requires advancing system for monitoring of the radiation environment in the vicinity of the coils. To fulfill the new requirements, the novel version of Beam Loss Monitor (BLMs) which should be radiation hard at cryogenic temperature...
Jan Bohm
(Academy of Sciences CR)
6/1/12, 9:20 AM
Protection of AC coupling capacitors from beam splashes has been studied on the HPK ATLAS07 mini-sensors with special structures, BZ4A,B,C and D, for p-stop ion concentrations 2e12, 4e12 and 1e13 ion/cm^2. Punch through voltage was measured by DC methods on both ends of strips and it was found that voltage dominantly depends on ion concentration for all punch through structures. Minimum PT...
Gianluigi Casse
(University of Liverpool (GB))
6/1/12, 9:40 AM
New structures and 3D sensors
The Alibava based test beam telescope is a system with four 2D semiconductor detectors which measures track parameters with elevated precision and determines the position of the beam particle interactions with a device under test (DUT). Characteristics of detectors before and after irradiation, as a function of bias voltage or other variables (temperature, influence of magnetic field, etc.)...
Hartmut Sadrozinski
(SCIPP, UC santa Cruz)
6/1/12, 10:00 AM
New structures and 3D sensors
Charge multiplication in silicon sensors (discovered by RD50 institutions) might have applications beyond off-setting charge lost due to trapping during the drift of electrons or holes.
Charge multiplication makes silicon sensors more like drift chambers or micro-channel plates, where a modest number of created charges are amplified (by factors of 10,000 or so) and can be used for fast...
Miguel Ullan Comes
(Universidad de Valencia (ES))
6/1/12, 10:50 AM
New structures and 3D sensors
An update will be presented on the Common RD50 Project "Low Resistance Strip Sensors". Three RD50 institutes are collaborating in this project (CNM-Barcelona, IFIC-Valencia, and SCIPP-Santa Cruz), in which a new method to enhance the sensor hardness to beam-loss damage is studied. The fabrication has been combined with new experiments related with another RD50 Common Project involving Slim...
Giulio Pellegrini
(Universidad de Valencia (ES))
6/1/12, 11:10 AM
I will show the first results on the manufacturing and electrical characterizations of the 3D CMS pixel sensors fabricated at CNM. This is a common project among IFCA, CNM and PSI.
Giulio Pellegrini
(Universidad de Valencia (ES))
6/1/12, 11:25 AM
I will show the last results on test beam measurements done in collaboration with IFAE on CNM 3D detectors.
Giulio Pellegrini
(Universidad de Valencia (ES)),
Hartmut Sadrozinski
(SCIPP, UC santa Cruz)
6/1/12, 11:40 AM
Joost Vossebeld
(University of Liverpool (GB))
Radiation Damage in LHC detectors
While the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN continues to deliver increasing amounts of luminosity to the experiments, a phased upgrade of the LHC is planned, ultimately aimed at a luminosity of ten times the LHC design luminosity (HL-LHC). To cope with the expected harsh operating conditions in terms of particle rates and radiation dose, the ATLAS collaboration is developing a new tracker....