Detectors for the LHC upgrade
- Gianluigi Casse (University of Liverpool (GB))
Victor Hugo Benitez Casma
(Universidad de Valencia (ES))
30/05/2012, 11:40
Full Detector Systems
A prototype for the Endcap part in the ATLAS Upgrade has been designed and fabricated at CNM-Barcelona. The petalet, prototype for the full petal, includes microstrips with built-in stereo angle.
Because of their particular geometry, a Python script was developed to design the sensors and propose solutions for different issues such as, orphan strips, no-standard bias rails and also to add...
Igor Rubinskiy
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
30/05/2012, 12:00
New structures and 3D sensors
A high resolution (\sigma ~2um) beam telescope based on monolithic
active pixel sensors was developed within the EUDET collaboration.
The telescope consists of six monolithic active pixel sensor planes (Mimosa26) with a pixel pitch of 18.4 um and thinned down to 50um.
The EUDET telescope copies with a deadtime free readout based on the PXI
express bus are located at DESY and CERN beam...