9:00 AM
(until 10:35 AM)
(Council Chamber, Meyrin)
9:00 AM
- Dr
Peter Seyboth
(Max-Planck-Gesellschaft Munchen)
(Council Chamber, Meyrin)
9:15 AM
Physics analysis infrastructure
(Council Chamber, Meyrin)
10:15 AM
Data processing and calibration
(Council Chamber, Meyrin)
10:35 AM
Physics discussion
(until 5:05 PM)
(Council Chamber, Meyrin)
10:35 AM
The pentaquark story
(Council Chamber, Meyrin)
12:15 PM
Results from the p/d beam program
(Council Chamber, Meyrin)
12:50 PM
--- Lunch break ---
2:00 PM
20, 30 AGeV results
(Council Chamber, Meyrin)
4:00 PM
K* in central PbPb at 20 -158 AGeV
Robert Jan Korus
(Institute of Physics)
(Council Chamber, Meyrin)
4:20 PM
pi-pi Bose-Einstein
Dominik Flierl
(European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN))
Christopher Alt
(Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Universitaet)
(Council Chamber, Meyrin)
4:40 PM
pi-pi Bose-Einstein
Dominik Flierl
(European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN))
Stefan Kniege
(Institut fuer Kernphysik)
(Council Chamber, Meyrin)
9:00 AM
Physics discussion
(until 3:00 PM)
9:00 AM
Unlike particle correlations
Christoph Blume
(Institut fuer Kernphysik)
9:20 AM
Charge balance function at 40,158 AGeV
Panos Christakoglou
(University of Athens)
9:40 AM
Progress report on the Balance Function for Pb-Pb at 40A GeV
Gerassimos Farantatos
(University of Athens)
10:00 AM
Charge fluctuations in PbPb at 20 - 158 GeV - paper draft
Marek Gazdzicki
(Institut fuer Kernphysik)
Jacek Zaranek
(Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Universitaet)
10:20 AM
Fluctuations and long-range correlations in 158A GeV PbPb
Grigori Feofilov
(St. Petersburg State University)
10:50 AM
Energy dependence of strangeness enhancement
Reinhard Stock
(Institut fuer Kernphysik)
12:00 PM
--- Lunch break ---
2:00 PM
Search for critical isoscalar fluctuations at 158A GeV
- Prof.
Fotis Diakonos
(University of Athens, Physics Department, Section of Nuclear and Elementary Particle Physics, GR-15771)
2:30 PM
Centrality dependence of multiplicty fluctuations at 158A GeV
Maciej Rybczynski
(Institute of Physics, Swietokrzyska Academy)
9:00 AM
Physics discussion
(until 11:50 AM)
9:00 AM
Energy dependence of <p<sub>T</sub>> fluctuations
Katarzyna Grebieszkow
(University of Warsaw)
9:20 AM
Event-to-event K/pi fluctuations in central PbPb at 20 - 158 GeV
- Dr
Christof Roland
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
9:50 AM
Strangeness fluctuations and deconfinement
Marek Gazdzicki
(Institut fuer Kernphysik)
10:05 AM
Phi results at lower energies and paper draft
Volker Friese
(Fachbereich Physik)
10:35 AM
Centrality dependence of pi/K in 40, 158 AGeV PbPb
Peter Dinkelaker
(Institut fuer Kernphysik)
11:05 AM
final results on hadron spectra in CC,SiSi + size dependence draft
Claudia Hohne
(Fachbereich Physik)
Ingrid Kraus
(Institut fuer Kernphysik)
Falk Puehlhofer
(Fachbereich Physik)
11:20 AM
Hadron spectra in CC,SiSi
9:00 AM
Physics discussion
(until 11:20 AM)
9:00 AM
Lambda anisotropic flow
- Dr
Grzegorz Stefanek
(Swietokrzyska Academy)
9:30 AM
Cascades in central and minimum-bias PbPb at 40A GeV
Christine Ulrike Meurer
(Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH (FZK))
9:50 AM
Omega, Antiomega in central PbPb at 40A GeV
Michael Kosta Mitrovski
(Institut fuer Kernphysik)
10:10 AM
Status of Omega at 158A GeV
Christoph Blume
(Institut fuer Kernphysik)
10:30 AM
Final results on limits Phi->e+e-, D->Kpi
Peter Dinkelaker
(Institut fuer Kernphysik)
Michiel Botje
11:00 AM
What to do with Lambda(1520) ?
Yoo In-Kwon
(Pusan National University Dept. of Physics)
Herbert Stroebele
(Institut fuer Kernphysik)
3:00 PM
NA49 future
(until 5:00 PM)
3:00 PM
Plans for upcoming NA49 run
- Prof.
G. Vesztergombi
(KFKI Research Insitute)
3:20 PM
The lead glass wall
Dezso Varga
(Res. Inst. Particle & Nucl. Phys. - Hungarian Academy of Science)
3:30 PM
Future use of NA49 detector
4:30 PM
Interest of Karlsruhe group: Particle Astrophysics and Hadronic Interactions
Markus Roth
(FZ Karlsruhe)
5:30 PM
Council meeting
(until 7:30 PM)
12:00 PM
--- Lunch break ---
2:00 PM
Anisotropic flow and HBT versus the reaction plane at RHIC
Raimond Snellings
4:00 PM
Strangeness Production from SIS up to RHIC
Helmut Oeschler
(Institut fuer Kernphysik)
12:00 PM
--- Lunch break ---
2:00 PM
QM2004 abstracts
(until 4:30 PM)
2:00 PM
Discussion of pentaquark draft
Kreso Kadija
(Rudjer Boskovic Institute)
2:30 PM
Discussion of abstract drafts