14–17 Nov 2012
Grand Hotel, Pusan, South Korea
Asia/Seoul timezone

Searches for Exotic Phenomena/Particles at RHIC

17 Nov 2012, 09:00
Sky Hall (22nd) (Grand Hotel)

Sky Hall (22nd)

Grand Hotel


huan huang (UCLA)


Nucleus-nucleus collisions at RHIC created a strongly interacting Quark-Gluon Plasma at extremely high temperature and energy density. The collision dynamics at such a high energy density and the hadronization of the dense partonic matter at RHIC provide intriguing scenarios for possible formation of exotic phenomena and/or particles. I will present recent STAR results on searches for possible local parity violations and for di-hyperons at RHIC.
Keywords Exotics, Local Parity Violation, di-hyperon


Presentation materials