Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

MICE project board presentations

from Tuesday 6 March 2012 (10:45) to Thursday 8 March 2012 (17:55)
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (Conference room 12, R68)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
7 Mar 2012
8 Mar 2012
09:00 Executive session (board only)   (Conference room 12, R68)
09:30 Welcome - Steve Peggs (BNL/ESS)   (Conference room 12, R68)
09:35 MICE Status report and responses to MPB-2 recommendations - Alain Blondel (Departement de Physique Nucleaire et Corpusculaire (DPNC))   (Conference room 12, R68)
10:00 Physics program and runs: autumn 2011 and step IV - Victoria Blackmore (University of Oxford)   (Conference room 12, R68)
10:25 Schedule, milestones and step IV installation - Andy Nichols (STFC Rutherford labs)   (Conference room 12, R68)
10:50 --- Coffee ---
11:05 Magnet Integration - Michael Courthold (STFC - RAL)   (Conference room 12, R68)
11:30 Discussion   (Conference room 12, R68)
20:00 --- Informal dinner: Cosners House, Abingdon ---
12:00 --- Working Lunch -- Board in executive session ---
13:00 Beam line and trackers - Prof. Kenneth Long (Imperial College London)   (Conference room 12, R68)
13:30 Liquid hydrogen system: infrastructure and operations - Steve Watson (RAL)   (Conference room 12, R68)
14:00 RF project and step VI plans - Dr Alan Bross (Fermilab)   (Conference room 12, R68)
14:30 --- Coffee ---
14:45 Spectrometer solenoid, coupling coils and RFCC module - Steve Virostek (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) Steve Gourlay   (Conference room 12, R68)
15:15 Committee deliberations and/or more collaboration discussions/presentations   (Conference room 12, R68)
16:30 Oral closeout -- board and MICE management in closed session   (Conference room 12, R68)
preliminary close out notes