12–18 Aug 2012
US/Eastern timezone

If you have any questions about the details of the program please contact Bolek Wyslouch

Deviation from quark number scaling of the anisotropy parameter v2 of pions, kaons, and protons in Au+Au collisions at 200 GeV

15 Aug 2012, 11:00
Regency 2/3

Regency 2/3


Dr shengli huang (PHENIX Collaboration)


The number of quark ($n_q$) scaling, which is manifested as $v^{hadron}_{2}(p_T) \approx n_q*v_2(p_T/n_q)$, is an approximate scaling that comes from the addition of the valence quark momenta at hadronization. The observation of $n_q$ scaling has been claimed that a partonic matter with quark-like degrees of freedom and significant collectivity has been generated in heavy ion collisions~\ref{1,2}. However, there are several theoretical considerations that suggest that the $n_q$ scaling should be violated in certain conditions. For example, the contribution of sea quarks and gluons have been shown to affect the $n_q$ scaling in the models including higher Fock states. And models that consider recombination between "thermal" and "shower" partons predict centrality dependent deviations from $n_q$ scaling. Understanding the limits of the recombination domain is important in relation to viscous hydrodynamics and the extraction of the shear viscosity over entropy density ($\eta/s$) from the data, as well as for developing a unified approach in describing jet energy loss and high $p_T$ $v_2$. Searches for deviations from $n_q$ scaling are also important for the low-energy scan program at RHIC as they have been considered as a signature of the transition between sQGP formation and a hadronic system. In this talk, we will report on high-statistics measurements of the second order Fourier coefficient $v_2$ for identified pions, kaons and protons, which extend to relatively high $p_T$ around 6 GeV/c. Comparisons with published measurements of $K^{0}_{S}$ and $\Lambda$ are shown for the different centralities. With these new measurements, the $p_T$ limits and centrality dependence of the $n_q$ scaling deviations are being carried out in PHENIX. [1]V. Greco, C. M. Ko, and P. Levai, Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 42 202302 (2003). 43 [2] D. Molnar and S. A. Voloshin, Phys. Rev.Lett. 91, 44 092301 (2003).


Dr shengli huang (PHENIX Collaboration)

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