Edward Shuryak
(stony brook university)
For about a decade it is known that topological fluctuations -- instantons
-- are modified by the nonzero Polyakov line VEV and split into Nc dyons.
By now there is extensive lattice literature confirming this fact and
explaining certain observations by properties of such dyons, mostly at T=(1-2)Tc.
This talk report the first direct simulations of the statistical mechanics
of the ``dyonic vacuum", using one-loop partition function. We found
that chiral symmetry breaking and Dirac eigenvalues spectra are strongly
affected by the LLbar dyon clustering. Among many consequences explaining
lattice data is the dependence on the chiral transition on the
number of fermion species Nf and the fermionic periodicity condition.
Edward Shuryak
(stony brook university)