12–18 Aug 2012
US/Eastern timezone

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Influence of initial state fluctuations on the production of thermal photons

17 Aug 2012, 15:40


Oral Presentation Electroweak probes Parallel 6E: Initial State and p-A (Chair E. Wang)


Dr Rupa Chatterjee (University of Jyväskylä)


Thermal emission of photons from relativistic heavy ion collisions is believed to have a very strong temperature dependence and the high p_T thermal photons are expected to provide a glimpse of the early part of the expansion history when the system is still in the plasma phase. Photons having p_T > 1 GeV/c are thus specially suitable for probing fluctuations in the initial QCD matter density distributions. We present the p_T spectra, ratio of central to-peripheral yield and elliptic flow of thermal photons from an event-by-event ideal hydrodynamic calculation with fluctuating initial conditions (IC). We show that fluctuations in the IC enhance the production of thermal photons significantly in the range 2 < p_T < 4 GeV/c compared to a smooth initial-state-averaged profile for Au+Au (Pb+Pb) collisions at RHIC (LHC) [1,2]. The relative effect of fluctuations in the IC is found to be stronger for peripheral collisions and for lower beam energies. Thermal photon p_T spectra are studied for different values of initial formation time \tau_0 as well as for centrality dependent \tau_0 values. We show that a suitably normalized ratio of central-to-peripheral yield as a function of collision centrality and p_T can be a useful measure of the fluctuation size scale [2]. PHENIX data for direct photon elliptic flow at RHIC is found to be significantly larger than the v_2 results obtained using ideal hydrodynamics with smooth IC in the region 1 < p_T < 6 GeV/c. We show that fluctuations in the IC increase the elliptic flow for p_T > 2 GeV/c for mid-central collisions compared to the results from a smooth initial-state-averaged profile [3]. We also show that these results depend strongly on the value of the fluctuation size scale as well as on the initial and final conditions of the hydrodynamic calculation [3]. [1] R. Chatterjee, H. Holopainen, T. Renk, and K. J. Eskola, Phys. Rev. C 83, 054908 (2011); R. Chatterjee, H. Holopainen, T. Renk, and K. J. Eskola, J. Phys. G 38, 124136 (2011). [2] R. Chatterjee, H. Holopainen, T. Renk, and K. J. Eskola, arXiv:1204.2249 [nucl-th]. [3] R. Chatterjee, H. Holopainen, T. Renk, and K. J. Eskola [in preparation].

Primary author

Dr Rupa Chatterjee (University of Jyväskylä)


Dr Hannu Holopainen (Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies) Prof. Kari J. Eskola (University of Jyvaskyla) Dr Thorsten Renk (University of Jyväskylä)

Presentation materials

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