12–18 Aug 2012
US/Eastern timezone

If you have any questions about the details of the program please contact Bolek Wyslouch

Drell-Yan Lepton-Pair-Jet Correlation in pA collisions

17 Aug 2012, 14:40



David Zaslavsky (Penn State University)


We have recently performed a numerical study of the forward correlations between the lepton-pair and associated hadrons in Drell-Yan process in pA collisions. Using the present knowledge of the dipole gluon distribution from the modified Golec-Biernat-Wusthoff model and from the solution of the Balitsky-Kovchegov evolution equation, we are able to compute and predict the forward correlations between the lepton-pair and associated hadron in Drell-Yan process at RHIC and LHC. Similar to the forward dihadron correlation in dAu collisions measured at RHIC, the Drell-Yan type correlation also implies a strong suppression of the away side hadron at forward rapidity due to the strong interaction between the forward quark from the projectile proton and the gluon density from the target nucleus. Another feature of this process is that the correlation contains a double-peak structure in the away side, which makes it a unique observable.

Primary authors

Anna Stasto (Penn State) Bowen Xiao (P) David Zaslavsky (Penn State University)

Presentation materials

Peer reviewing
