Matthew Sievert
(The Ohio State University)
We propose a new mechanism for generating a single transverse spin
asymmetry (STSA) in polarized proton-proton and proton-nucleus collisions in the high-energy scattering approximation. In this framework the STSA originates from the q -> q G splitting in the projectile (proton) light-cone wave function followed by a perturbative (C-odd) odderon interaction, together with a C-even interaction, between the projectile and the target. We show that the obtained expression for the STSA of the produced quarks is in qualitative agreement with experiment: STSA decreases with decreasing projectile x_F and is a non-monotonic function of the transverse momentum k_T, peaking near the saturation scale Q_s in our framework. Our mechanism predicts that the quark STSA in proton--nucleus collisions should be much smaller than in proton--proton collisions. We also observe that in our formalism the STSA for prompt photons is zero.
Yuri Kovchegov
Matthew Sievert
(The Ohio State University)
Peer reviewing
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