Tuomas Lappi
15/08/2012, 11:00
Pre-equilibrium and initial state dynamics
Oral Presentation
Multiparticle correlations, such as the "ridge" effect in pp and AA collisions and forward dihadron correlations in pA collisions, are an important probe of the strong color fields that dominate the initial stages of a heavy ion collision. We argue that the Color Glass Condensate framework provides the most natural way to understand them.
We describe recent progress in understanding...
Long-Gang Pang
15/08/2012, 11:20
Global and collective dynamics
Oral Presentation
Hadron spectra and elliptic flow in high-energy heavy-ion collisions are studied within a (3+1)D ideal hydrodynamic model with fluctuating initial conditions given by the AMPT Monte Carlo model and compared to experimental data. Fluctuation in the initial energy density comes from not only the coherent soft interaction of overlapping nucleons but also the number of mini-jets within each binary...
J. Scott Moreland
(Duke University)
15/08/2012, 11:40
Pre-equilibrium and initial state dynamics
Oral Presentation
The precise value of the QGP kinematic shear viscosity eta/s is a question of intense topical interest. Viscous hydrodynamic simulations are a tool for extracting this information from experiment. The key observables are the anisotropic flow coefficients v_n which (i) can be measured very precisely and (ii) are very sensitive to eta/s which controls the "conversion efficiency" v_n/ecc_n for...
Raju Venugopalan
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
15/08/2012, 12:00
Pre-equilibrium and initial state dynamics
Oral Presentation
We outline significant recent progress in a program to include quantum corrections to the evolution of the classical color fields produced in high-energy ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions. Previous work in this direction for a scalar \phi^4 theory [1] has now been extended to QCD. Leading contributions from unstable quantum modes can be resumed to all loop orders and expressed in terms...
Xuan Li
(Shandong University)
15/08/2012, 12:20
Pre-equilibrium and initial state dynamics
Oral Presentation
The proton gluon distribution function increases rapidly with decreasing x at fixed $Q^{2}$, but cannot increase indefinitely as x goes to 0. Gluon saturation is expected at a low x value when gluon recombination balances gluon splitting. The nuclear (with atomic mass number A) gluon distribution is approximately $A^{1/3}$ larger than the nucleon gluon distribution function at the same x [1]....