Jinfeng Liao
(Indiana University & RIKEN BNL Research Center)
17/08/2012, 14:00
New theoretical developments
Oral Presentation
We report on a recently proposed scenario for thermalization of hot QCD matter after the "Little Bang" in heavy ion collisions. A distinctive feature of the pre-equilibrium system (the Glasma) is the high over-population of phase space for gluons, which we argue plays a central role for the thermalization of the Quark-Gluon Plasma. In particular, the over-population (1) coherently amplifies...
Matthew Sievert
(The Ohio State University)
17/08/2012, 14:20
New theoretical developments
Oral Presentation
We propose a new mechanism for generating a single transverse spin
asymmetry (STSA) in polarized proton-proton and proton-nucleus collisions in the high-energy scattering approximation. In this framework the STSA originates from the q -> q G splitting in the projectile (proton) light-cone wave function followed by a perturbative (C-odd) odderon interaction, together with a C-even...
David Zaslavsky
(Penn State University)
17/08/2012, 14:40
Oral Presentation
We have recently performed a numerical study of the forward correlations between the lepton-pair and associated hadrons in Drell-Yan process in pA collisions. Using the present knowledge of the dipole gluon distribution from the modified Golec-Biernat-Wusthoff model and from the solution of the Balitsky-Kovchegov evolution equation, we are able to compute and predict the forward correlations...
Bowen Xiao
17/08/2012, 15:00
Oral Presentation
Recently, by performing the complete next-to-leading order calculation, we have demonstrated the one-loop factorization for inclusive hadron productions in pA collisions in the saturation formalism. The differential cross section is written
into a factorization form in the coordinate space at the next-to-leading order, while the naive form of the convolution in the transverse momentum space...
Feng Yuan
17/08/2012, 15:20
Oral Presentation
As the foundation of high energy hadronic physics, QCD factorization enables us to separate the short distance perturbative physics from the long distance non-perturbative effects. Its prediction power relies on the universality of the parton distributions among different processes. In our recent publication [1], we established an effective factorization in hard processes in nuclei scattered...
Rupa Chatterjee
(University of Jyväskylä)
17/08/2012, 15:40
Electroweak probes
Oral Presentation
Thermal emission of photons from relativistic heavy ion collisions is believed to have a very strong temperature dependence and the high p_T thermal photons are expected to provide a glimpse of the early part of the expansion history when the system is still in the plasma phase. Photons having p_T > 1 GeV/c are thus specially suitable for probing fluctuations in the initial QCD matter density...