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4–11 Jul 2012
Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre
Australia/Melbourne timezone
ICHEP2012 - 36th International Conference for High Energy Physics

Lattice hadron spectroscopy with the stochastic LapH algorithm

7 Jul 2012, 09:15
Room 220 (Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre)

Room 220

Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre

Melbourne Australia
Parallel Sessions Track 10. Lattice QCD Room 220 Lattice QCD / B-Physics / CP Violation, etc -TR5&7&10


Prof. Keisuke Juge (University of the Pacific (US))


We present some preliminary results for single-particle and multi-particle states obtained on anisotropic, dynamical 2+1 lattices (24^3) generated by the Hadron Spectrum Collaboration. We use the Stochastic LapH algorithm to generate the all-to-all quark propagators.


Prof. Keisuke Juge (University of the Pacific (US))


Mr Brendan Fahy (Carnegie Mellon University) Dr Chik-Him Wong (U.C. San Diego) Colin Morningstar (Carnegie Mellon University) Mr David Lenkner (Carnegie Mellon University) Mr Jhang You-Cyuan (Carnegie Mellon University) John Merritt Bulava (CERN) Justin Foley (University of Utah)

Presentation materials