Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

14–17 Nov 2012
Academic Building, Utrecht University
Europe/Zurich timezone

Open and hidden charm dynamics

14 Nov 2012, 15:30
Kanunnikenzaal (Academic Building, Utrecht University)


Academic Building, Utrecht University

Domplein 29, Utrecht
Quarkonia Quarkonia


Elena Bratkovskaya (FIAS)


Based on the Parton-Hadron-String Dynamics (PHSD) transport approach we study the suppression pattern of charmonia at SPS and RHIC with respect to centrality and rapidity employing various model concepts such as variants of the `comover absorption' model or the `charmonium melting' scenario. A detailed comparison to the RHIC experimental data demonstrates that non-hadronic interactions are mandatory to describe the narrowing of the $J/\Psi$ rapidity distribution from $pp$ to central Au+Au collisions. The $\Psi^\prime$ to $J/\Psi$ ratio is found to be crucial in disentangling the different charmonium absorption scenarios especially in the RHIC energy range. Also we investigate the contribution from open and hidden charm and bottom to the dilepton production from SPS to LHC energies.

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