14–17 Nov 2012
Academic Building, Utrecht University
Europe/Zurich timezone

D meson azimuthal anisotropy measured with ALICE experiment

15 Nov 2012, 10:00
Kanunnikenzaal (Academic Building, Utrecht University)


Academic Building, Utrecht University

Domplein 29, Utrecht


Andrea Festanti (Universita e INFN (IT))


The ALICE experiment at the LHC is dedicated to the study of ultra- relativistic heavy-ion collisions, with the aim of investigating the high-density color deconned state of strongly interacting matter that is expected to be formed in these collisions. Heavy quarks serve as a probe of the dynamics of the medium since they are produced at the early stages of the collisions and they propagate through the created matter. The D meson azimuthal anisotropy (v2) is expected to bring insights into the degree of thermalization of charm quarks within the quark-gluon plasma. A non-zero v2 at low transverse momentum indicates a collective motion of charm quarks with respect to the bulk of created matter, while at high trans- verse momentum v2 is sensitive to the path length dependence of the charm quark energy loss within the medium. The measurement of D0, D+ and D+ elliptic ow and D0 RAA versus event plane in semi-central Pb{Pb collisions at p sNN = 2:76 TeV will be pre- sented. D mesons have been reconstructed via their hadronic decay channels (D0 ! K􀀀+, D+ ! K􀀀++ and D+ ! D0+) in the central rapidity re- gion.

Primary author

Andrea Festanti (Universita e INFN (IT))

Presentation materials