Overview of Failure Mode Studies for ILC and CLIC

6 Jun 2012, 16:50
30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium (CERN)

30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium


PLEASE NOTE: Wed 6th and Fri 8th June: 30/7-018 Thurs 7th June: 31/3-004
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Dr Andrea Latina (CERN)


Failures in the ILC and in the CLIC can lead to beam loss, or even damage the machine. Also failures that do not lead to beam loss can affect the luminosity performance, in particular since some time is required to recover from them. During the last years several different failures scenarios have been investigated, and their impact on the machine performance has been being studied. At this purpose, a number of simulation codes have been developed, perfected, and utilized: to track the beam including effects such as wakefields and dynamical machine alignment; to simulate halo and tail generation; to evaluate energy deposition and beam-halo interaction with collimators. A review of the main studies is presented, including a short description of the principal tools.

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