11–15 Feb 2013
Vienna University of Technology
Europe/Vienna timezone

Pulse shape discrimination at low energies with a double sided silicon low pitch strip detector

Not scheduled
Vienna University of Technology

Vienna University of Technology

Gußhausstraße 25-29, 1040 Wien (Vienna), Austria
Board: 58
Poster Semiconductor Detectors


Bernard Genolini (IN2P3 - CNRS - Université Paris Sud)


We achieved particle separation of proton, deuterium and tritium at energies ranging between 2 and 10 MeV by the processing of digitized signals obtained with a double-sided silicon 485-µm pitch strip detector. Light charged particles were produced in a nuclear reaction induced by a 34-MeV beam of 7Li impinging on a 12C target. We employed a neutron transmutation doped (nTD) 500-µm thick silicon detector in a low-field injection setup and collected the signals with a two-output preamplifier: one performing wide band amplification, the other integration. We recorded the signals with a 300-MHz bandwidth, 14-bit, 1-GSPS digitizer. We estimate with a preliminary analysis that we obtained a separation between protons and deuterons of at least 5 standard deviations at 2 MeV. We will compare different algorithms for the pulse shape discrimination, with the goal of a simplified front-end electronics in mind for the processing of the 15,000 channels for the new state-of-the-art detectors for low energy nuclear physics like GASPARD, HYDE and TRACE which should make use of such techniques.
quote your primary experiment GASPARD HYDE TRACE

Primary authors

Bernard Genolini (IN2P3 - CNRS - Université Paris Sud) Dr Daniele Mengoni (LNL, INFN) Dr Jose Dueñas (FCCEE, Universidad de Huelva) Dr Marlène Assie (IPNO (CNRS-IN2P3-Univ. Paris Sud))


Dr Daisuke Suzuki (IPNO (CNRS-IN2P3-Univ. Paris Sud)) Dr Didier Beaumel (IPNO (CNRS-IN2P3-Univ. Paris Sud)) Mr Emmanuel Rauly (IPNO (CNRS-IN2P3-Univ. Paris Sud)) Dr Fairouz Hammache (IPNO (CNRS-IN2P3-Univ. Paris Sud)) Ismael Martel (FCCEE, Universidad de Huelva) Dr Jacques Guillot (IPNO (CNRS-IN2P3-Univ. Paris Sud)) Dr Marin Chabot (IPNO (CNRS-IN2P3-Univ. Paris Sud)) Dr Nicolas de Séréville (IPNO (CNRS-IN2P3-Univ. Paris Sud)) Mr Sébastien Ancelin (IPNO (CNRS-IN2P3-Univ. Paris Sud)) Dr Tatjana Faul (IPNO (CNRS-IN2P3-Univ. Paris Sud)) Mrs Valérie Le Ven (IPNO (CNRS-IN2P3-Univ. Paris Sud)) Dr Yorick Blumenfeld (Institut de Physique Nucléaire-Orsay)

Presentation materials