Marcello Abbrescia
(Bari Physics Department and INFN)
The Resistive Plate Chambers are used in CMS as dedicated muon trigger detectors in both barrel and endcap regions. They also contribute to the identification, reconstruction and tracking of the muons, together with Drift tube in the barrel and Cathod Strip Chambers in the endcaps.
We will report about the operations and performance of the system after two years of LHC activities with increasing instantaneous luminosity. This period allowed to accumulate enough statistics to measure the detector performance with an unprecedented accuracy on a such large amount of chambers. This gave new highlights both on the detector fundamentals and on the operational aspects.
Special attention will be given to the stability of the system and to the working point calibration procedures. Comparison between the initial performance and the present one will be drawn, and an overall view of what has been learned in a more than two years operation of one of the largest systems based on RPC will be given. Also issues related to detector aging will be discussed.
In addition, an outline of the upgrade foreseen for the system during the Long Shutdown 1 in 2013-14 will be presented.
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Marcello Abbrescia
(Bari Physics Department and INFN)