11–15 Feb 2013
Vienna University of Technology
Europe/Vienna timezone

Testbeam and laboratory test results of irradiated 3D CMS pixel detectors

12 Feb 2013, 14:50
EI7 (Vienna University of Technology)


Vienna University of Technology


Enver Alagoz (Purdue University (US))


The CMS pixel detector is the innermost tracking device at the LHC, reconstructing the interaction vertices and charged particle trajectories. The current planar sensors located in the innermost layer of the pixel detector will be exposed to very high fluences which will degrade their performances. As a possible replacement of planar pixel sensors for the High Luminosity-LHC or HL-LHC, 3D silicon technology is under consideration due to their expected good performances in harsh radiation environments. The Deep-Reactive-Ion-Etching (DRIE) plays the key role in fabricating innovative 3D silicon detectors in which readout and ohmic electrodes are processed through the silicon substrate in place of being implanted on silicon surface. The 3D CMS pixel devices, which were processed at FBK, CNM, and SINTEF. They were bump bonded to the CMS pixel readout chip, characterized in the laboratory, and testbeams carried out at FNAL. We report the laboratory and testbeam measurement results for the irradiated 3D CMS pixel devices.
quote your primary experiment CMS


Enver Alagoz (Purdue University (US))

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