11–15 Feb 2013
Vienna University of Technology
Europe/Vienna timezone

Performance of Novel Oxide Scintillator Ce:(La,Gd)_2Si_2O_7 with a high energy resolution

13 Feb 2013, 10:15
Vienna University of Technology

Vienna University of Technology

Gußhausstraße 25-29, 1040 Wien (Vienna), Austria


Mr Akira Suzuki (Institute for Materials Research)


Recently, we have developed a novel oxide scintillator (La,Gd)_2Si_2O_7 (La-GPS) crystal doped with 1-mol\% Ce grown by floating zone method. This crystal had excellent scintillation properties measured with a photomultiplier (PMT, Hamamatsu R7600U): a high light output of approximately 36,000 photons/MeV, good energy resolution (FWHM) of 5.0\% at 662 keV and fast decay time of 46 ns. Moreover, this material had no hygroscopic nature and intrinsic background. The maximum emission wavelength was approximately 390 nm. In addition, the Ce:La-GPS crystal had a good energy resolution (FWHM) of 7.7 \pm 0.1\% at 662 keV, even though we used a multi-pixel photon counter (MPPC, Hamamatsu S10362-33-050C) at 26.0 \pm 0.1^{\circ}C. La-GPS can be the most appropriate choice in low-counting-rate applications such as a Compton camera and radiation monitor. In this presentation, we report the performance of La-GPS scintillator.
quote your primary experiment Novel Scintillators

Primary author

Mr Akira Suzuki (Institute for Materials Research)


Prof. Akira Yoshikawa (Institute for Materials Research) Dr Jan Pejchal (Institute for Materials Research) Dr Shunsuke Kurosawa (Institute for Materials Research) Prof. Toetsu Shishido (Institute for Materials Research) Dr Yoshisuke Futami (Institute for Materials Research) Dr Yuui Yokota (Institute for Materials Research)

Presentation materials