Alessandro Ferri
In this work we present the first results of energy and timing resolution of FBK RGB SiPM coupled to a novel gadolinium based scintillator crystal: Ce:GAGG (Ce:Gd3Al2Ga3O12). Ce:GAGG is a promising scintillator because of its attractive properties of very high light yield (46000 γ/MeV), high density (6.63 g/cm3), good intrinsic energy resolution (4.9% @ 662 keV) and non-self radiation. We measured energy and timing resolution of this crystal when coupled to RGB-SiPM 50x50 µm2 cell. We considered two crystal geometries: “cube” like (3x3x5 mm3) and “PET” like (3.8x3.8x20 mm3). The “cube” geometry achieved a CRT of 275 ps with an energy resolution of 7.7% (@ 511 keV). These results are very promising not only for PET but also SPECT or gamma camera applications where the energy resolution is crucial.
quote your primary experiment | FBK SiPM GAGG |
Alberto Gola
Alessandro Tarolli
Claudio Piemonte
Nicola Serra
Nicola Zorzi
(Fondazione Bruno Kessler - FBK)
Tiziana Pro