Manfred Valentan
(HEPHY Vienna)
High precision collider experiments at lepton accelerators and b-factories need highly accurate position resolution while preserving a low material budget for precise particle tracking. Thin double-sided silicon detectors (DSSDs) fulll both requirements, if a careful sensor
design is applied to preserve a high charge collection effciency.
In this continuation of a previous study we investigate the p-stop and the p-spray blocking methods for strip isolation on the n-side (ohmic side) of DSSDs with n-type bulk. We compare three different p-stop patterns: the common p-stop pattern, the atoll p-stop pattern and a combination of these patterns, whereas for every pattern four different geometric layouts are considered. Moreover we investigate the effect of the strip isolation on sensors with one intermediate strip. Sensors featuring these p-stop patterns and the p-spray blocking method were tested in a 120 GeV/c hadron beam at the SPS at CERN, gamma-irradiated to 100 kGy at SCK-CEN (Mol, Belgium), and immediately afterwards tested again in the same setup as before.
In this new study we used a renwed p-stop design, had all sensor types irradiated, and for the first time use point resolution values obtained by particle tracking for judging the sensor performance. The results of these tests are used to optimize the design of DSSDs for the Belle II experiment at KEK (Tsukuba, Japan).
quote your primary experiment | Belle II |
Primary author
Manfred Valentan
(HEPHY Vienna)