11–15 Feb 2013
Vienna University of Technology
Europe/Vienna timezone

The upgrade of the ALICE Inner Tracking System

13 Feb 2013, 11:30
EI7 (Vienna University of Technology)


Vienna University of Technology


Dr Serhiy Senyukov (Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien (FR))


ALICE is a general purpose experiment dedicated to the study of nucleus-nucleus collisions at LHC. After more than 3 years of successful operation, an upgrade of the apparatus during the second long shutdown of LHC (LS2) in 2017/18 is under study. One of the major goal of the proposed upgrade is to extend the physics reach for rare probes at low transverse momentum. The current Inner Tracking System (ITS), made of 6 layers of three technologies of silicon detectors, plays a key role in the determination of the primary and secondary vertices, complements the tracking performed by the Time Projection Chamber and the particle identification at low momentum by means of the specific energy loss dE/dx in silicon. The new ITS will consist of 7 layers of silicon detectors with significantly increased single point resolution and reduced material budget, allowing an improvement of a factor 3 of the impact parameter resolution. Moreover the data rate capability of the new ITS will be able to record the full expected LHC lead-lead interaction rate of 50 kHz, almost two orders of magnitude above the present readout rate. In this contribution the technical requirements and the ongoing developments of the different detector technologies under study will be presented, together with the first results from prototypes and the integration concepts.
quote your primary experiment ALICE ITS


Dr Serhiy Senyukov (Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien (FR))

Presentation materials