Edward Overton
(The University of Sheffield)
The International Muon Ionisation Cooling Experiment (MICE) is a proof of principle demonstration of ionisation cooling, for application in a future neutrino factory or muon collider. MICE is under construction at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (UK), where a dedicated beam line has been commissioned to transport particles produced inside the ISIS accelerator facility.
The beam emittance will be measured using two scintillating fibre trackers on each side of the cooling channel, which will be mounted inside a 4T Solenoid. As particles pass through the tracker, their position will be measured at 5 stations, each of which provides a position resolution of less than 0.5mm.
The fibre trackers have been validated using cosmic ray tests, which have allowed the light yield and track efficiency to be found. In addition, a spare tracking station was exposed to the MICE beam, which has enabled the tracker readout to be integrated with the MICE DAQ for the first time. This test required the integration gate on the D0 AFE-IIt readout boards to be synchronised with particles arriving, using diagnostic signals from ISIS. Finally the performance of a tracker station has been measured using 200MeV/c muons.
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Primary author
Edward Overton
(The University of Sheffield)