11–15 Feb 2013
Vienna University of Technology
Europe/Vienna timezone

New results from the RD52 (DREAM) project

14 Feb 2013, 09:50
Vienna University of Technology

Vienna University of Technology

Gußhausstraße 25-29, 1040 Wien (Vienna), Austria


Prof. Richard WIGMANS (Texas Tech University)


Simultaneous detection of the Cherenkov light and scintillation light produced in hadron showers makes it possible to measure the electromagnetic shower fraction event by event and thus eliminate the detrimental effects of fluctuations in this fraction on the performance of hadron calorimeters. In the RD52 (DREAM) project, the possibilities of this dual-readout calorimetry are investigated and optimized. In this talk, the latest results of this project will be presented. These results concern the performance of a matrix of molybdenum doped lead tungstate crystals built for this purpose, new data on the application of the polarization of Cherenkov light in this context, particle ID based on the time structure of the signals, and the first test results of prototype modules for the new full-scale DREAM fiber calorimeter.
quote your primary experiment RD52

Primary author

Prof. Richard WIGMANS (Texas Tech University)

Presentation materials