Wolfgang Gradl
(University Mainz)
The Crystal Ball Collaboration at the electron accelerator MAMI in Mainz studies photo-induced reactions on nucleons and nuclei with energy tagged photons produced via bremsstrahlung. The Crystal Ball/TAPS calorimeters form a 4pi detector optimized for the detection of neutral final states. The inner detector system includes a two-layer multi-wire proportional chamber (MWPC) for the detection of
charged particle tracks.
The future physics programme of the experiment includes the study of rare decays of the omega and eta' mesons, which can only be produced by the high-end tail of the bremsstrahlung spectrum. Therefore all detectors have to cope with increased multiplicities and rates from background reactions.
The increased rate of charged particles in the current and future physics programme exceeds the rate capabilities of the presently installed MWPC. As a replacement option, a Time Projection Chamber (TPC) with triple-GEM readout is being considered. Besides higher rate capabilities, such a detector allows real track reconstruction with better angular resolution and may contribute to particle identification.
A test setup was installed in Mainz, and a small TPC prototype with triple-GEM readout was put into operation. In this talk, we present design considerations for such a tracking device for Crystal Ball and report on first results of tests with cosmic particles and electrons from the MAMI beam.
quote your primary experiment | TPC CrystalBall MAMI |
Wolfgang Gradl
(University Mainz)
Martin Wolfes
(University Mainz)
Oliver Steffen
(University Mainz)