The upside-down structure for X-ray imaging

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Beurs van Berlage

Beurs van Berlage

Poster Sensors: 1b) Semiconductor Detectors


DONG-UK KANG (KAIST) Daehee Lee (KAIST)Mr Kim MyungSoo (KAIST)


Typical in-direct X-ray image sensor have used a upper scientillator, which is like CsI(Tl) or Gd2O2S. In soft X-ray imaging for mammography, most of X-ray Energy is absorbed a surface of scientillator. Thus, MTF and sensitivity of image sensor can be decreased. In our study, we adapted a upside-down structure, which has bottom sided scientillator of image sensor. In MCNP and LightTools simulation, light output and spatial resolution is increased more than 15%. The test is being set in our places and finished before the conference. The test chip have been fabricated in 0.18um 1P3M process.


Mr Kim MyungSoo (KAIST)


DONG-UK KANG (KAIST) Daehee Lee (KAIST) Prof. Gyuseong Cho (KAIST)

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