Jun 2 – 6, 2014
Beurs van Berlage
Europe/Amsterdam timezone
TIPP 2014 is the third Technology and Instrumentation in Particle Physics conference in the new series of international conferences in the field of particle physics sponsored by IUPAP. The program focuses on all areas of detector development and instrumentation in particle physics, astro-particle physics and closely related fields like microlectronics and medical instrumentation.

Since this is a science driven cross-disciplinary conference on Technology and Instrumentation, the overview talks should start from science motivations, then focus on the challenges in technology and instrumentation, how the experiment did overcome those challenges, the experience of designing and building the systems and the lessons learned. What would especially be good to hear is not only what the challenges were, but what challenges one is still struggling with! This conference is not for polished talks about all that is beautiful and works well. We'd like to hear what the limitations are in the current experiments and focus on ideas on how to break the barriers. The program will be organized around five central themes:

I) SENSORS. Dedicated to recent developments in various detector technologies. Individual sessions will cover detectors based on absorption of electromagnetic or hadronic showers in dense media, on charge collection in semiconductor devices, on signal generation in gaseous media, on photon detection, and other novel technologies. Typical examples are sampling, crystal calorimeters, and dual-readout calorimeters; silicon strips and pixel detectors; proportional and time-projection chambers; phototubes and silicon photo-multipliers.

II) EXPERIMENTS. Multi-component detector systems and upgrades to existing detectors. This theme includes overview talks from the major experiments and projects across the fields (collider experiments and upgrades, intensity frontier experiments, astrophysics and cosmology, neutrinos, dark matter searches, gravitational waves,  large scale R&D projects , etc). We encourage contributions illustrating the  limitations of the current experiments and focus on ideas on how to break these barriers.

III) DATA PROCESSING. This theme includes all aspects of data processing that act in combination with detectors: front-end electronics for amplification and signal conditioning; electronics, firmware and software for event triggering and data acquisition; data storage and preservation.

IV) EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES. This theme focuses on novel technologies that, albeit not yet extensively used in existing detectors, may offer solutions to overcome some of the present technological barriers. Typical examples are processes to achieve 3D integration, Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems, novel techniques for the cooling of detectors and electronics, usage of photonics for light detection and the transmission of signals, and technologies from other fields of science that seem to hold a potential for particle physics.

V) IMPACT ON OTHER SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER. Although large experiments designed and operated over decades do not always allow operation at the forefront of technology, a large number of experts in leading labs in particle physics are nevertheless active on this frontier.  As a result, new sensor and chip development, precision mechanics, and computing developments did find their way to industry and society (e.g. material science, health care and biology). Conversely, the particle physics community profits from advances in industry like smaller CMOS technology.  This conference themes wishes to bring forward the question: can particle physics labs and industry move from the present situation of mutual interest  toward a more integrated strategy?

To each of the themes a plenary and a few parallel sessions will be devoted.
Beurs van Berlage
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