Design and operation of a Small Gas Electron Multiplier detectors at KACST Detector Lab: Constructions and Preliminarily Results

Not scheduled
Beurs van Berlage

Beurs van Berlage

Poster Technology transfer: 5b) Health and healthcare


Dr Abdullrahman H. Maghrabi (NCMP-KACST-Saudi Arabia) Abdulrahman Alghamdi (KACST)Mr Mohammad S. alanazi (NCMP-KACST- Saudi Arabia)


The Gas Electron Multiplier detectors technology is well known for its high counting rate, charge and position resolution capabilities. Under the umbrella of the KACST Detector Laboratory (KDL) project we have succeeded in designing, constructing and, operating a single channel small (10x10 cm2 ) GEM detector for radiation detection applications. The performances of the detector was tested using two mixture of gases; Ar-CO2 (80:20) mixture and He-CO2 (80:20) using five γ-rays sources with energy range from 64.5 to 662 keV. In addition, one α-particle source with energy of 5.48 MeV was used. In this paper the technical aspects of this detector will be briefly discussed. The experimental procedures and the obtained results will be given. Future work and further improvements to the performances of the detector in several applications will be outlined.


Dr Abdullrahman H. Maghrabi (NCMP-KACST-Saudi Arabia)


Mr Abdullah Aldosary (NCMP-KACST-Saudi Arabia) Abdulrahman Alghamdi (KACST) Mr Mohammad S. alanazi (NCMP-KACST- Saudi Arabia) Mr Mohmmed M. Al-mutayri (NCMP-KACST-Saudi Arabia)

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